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Old 06-09-2015, 07:46 AM   #58
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 772
Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
Obviously the reason for that is because, no matter how much women or feminists push to be considered equal to men in all areas, the fact of the matter is that we aren't. Just as men are not equal to women in all areas. Of course there will always be exceptions to these rules, but in general, male and female humans respond differently emotionally and physically to just about everything.

How could we ever expect to be equal?
Actually the exceptions mark huge portions.

Between 00:30 and 2:14:
  • "The average woman is better [in spatial awareness] then 33% of all men"
  • "33% of men are better then the average woman [in language]"

Disclaimer: These are regarding cognitive psychology though, their might be differences in personality that aren't as easy to place on a metric.

The most obvious one is ofcourse crime statistics, followed by the wage gap analysis. Certainly there are groups that would insist that one of those is systematic oppression while the other is natural (MRA/feminism), but in all closer examinations it seems a matter of the choices people make, which can reflect that men and women do make different choices.

Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
I would like to see a time where we can all just be accepted as people. Not male or female or any of the other labels in between.
Doesn't the very idea of transgenderism go directly against that?

The moment you agree to the notion that someone is "truly [insert gender inside] but in the wrong body", you agree to the assumption that gender is about what you truly are and not simply your sex. In a way it contradicts with the premise of a gender neutral society.

I had a few interesting discussions about that with an MTF who was more scientific minded then ideological. There is a lot of interesting research done about gender differences that show up in FMRI's and actually correspond with the FMRI of transfolk (MTF get female indicators and FTM get male indicators)... So it might just be that the "Gender = nothing but sex" premise is simply wrong.

Maybe the closest we can come is feminism in the style of Wendy McElroy or Christina Hoff Sommers rather then traditional 3rd wave feminism: Simply a society of equal opportunities within our system & a culture empathy beyond the realms of our own gender. Maybe that's the most that can be done without causing more damage then good.
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