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Old 05-13-2020, 11:37 PM   #2
The future is unwritten
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They make some good points, and I agree the press has hyped the coverage. In their defense an awful lot of people need that hype before they will be distracted from their own little world.

Statements by WHO in the beginning, and for that matter ongoing, have been based on the information at hand. They're handicapping this without knowing the weight of the jockey or the length of the race. To this day we have no clue how many people have it, had it, will have it. We don't know if having had it means immunity, or if so for how long.

Starting a "fact" with "Some medical professionals", means it is not a fact it's an opinion. They don't define medical professional, is that my pharmacist, the girl on the front desk at the medical center? Even if it's a doctor from Harvard Medical it's still an opinion without evidence.

Making statements like COVID-19 poses no risk to children is stupid, everything in the world poses a risk to children.

There's no proof the virus is transmitted through the air or in smears. OK, how the fuck did hundreds of millions of people (we don't know how many) all over the world catch it if not through the air or contact? Duh
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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