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Old 09-11-2002, 10:29 AM   #6
Writer of Writings
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Ruston, LA
Posts: 14
I mark this day by reminding myself, and trying to educate others that freedom and democracy is a universal good, and is the reason that we live in the best country in the world. Freedom, Democracy, and, yes, even capitalism are not just something that America coincidentally happens to have, they are the REASON that America is the best country in the world.
I find it necessary to remind myself of this these days, because so many people, even in America seem to have adopted certain otherwise good causes (such as multiculturalism or pacifism, but the list grows long) as their personal religion, making universal freedom take a back seat, and in the process, destroying the already-existing freedoms of other people.
On the other hand, there are others who moan and complain that their personal rights and freedoms are being destroyed in the name of security. Our government is, even if you don't believe it, by the people and for the people, and if you have better ideas than what the current leaders have as to how to make our lives secure enough to enjoy our liberties, then don't just complain; go try to make a difference in a POSITIVE way. Too many people don't give a second thought to their community until they have a complaint, and when they can't find the remote control which changes what they don't like, they complain & whine. Making a difference is not instant, it takes time & effort. Otherwise, we would have 365 "kings for a day", and no stability or security.
Our contry is not perfect, but show me one better.
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