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Old 04-21-2019, 08:08 AM   #12
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
It's not entirely nonsense. They aren't generally looking to keep you sick on purpose, but they will absolutely ignore a studied, valid treatment if it can't be patented.

See, for example, the wide proliferation of both prescription and OTC antacid brands, even though 50% of heartburn is caused by TOO LITTLE stomach acid--because Betaine HCL, aka hydrochloric acid, can't be patented and can't make money. You ever seen a bottle of Betaine HCL on a shelf, anywhere? Meanwhile doctors are given a kickback for every antacid prescription they write, so they're certainly going to explore that avenue first, and could easily take 6 months going through every antacid option before they consider the alternative, assuming they even remember it exists since none of their free pens say Betaine HCL on the side.

I wish I could start a line of medical schwag that just says shit like "aspirin" on it...
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