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Old 09-30-2014, 09:30 AM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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Believing that it's what they are saying? Yes.
Believing that it's the actual plan? Sort of
Believing that it's how it's going to work out? Probably not.

I think that for any proposed military engagement, you need to have an exit strategy before you even begin. A plan for what victory is so you recognize it once you get there and can get out when the time is right. Bush clearly didn't have a solid plan when he started it all, and Obama campaigned on just getting us the hell out of there, so he did what he said he would do. But the job wasn't finished. I'm not sure it could ever be finished. It's an endless war. A nation building job that would require a generation or more of serious commitment.

We shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. Sadam was an asshole, but he kept the religious nuts under control. We were better off with him in office. Just like we were better off with the Shah in office.

I'd like to see Obama articulate a clear plan with an exit strategy before we do anything other than drop bombs.
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