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Old 04-23-2012, 11:13 AM   #7857
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posts: 378
My 5 year old Boxer dog, Freya passed away yesterday at 2:45pm. 3 weeks ago we suspected boxer cardiomyopathy, 3 days ago the vet agreed with us. He gave us meds for her, and told us she would most likley die of a heart attack in a few months. She had several "fainting goat" spells over the past few days. She was coughing due to the fact her heart was enlarged, and was pushing on her trachea. Two nights ago she started to cough worse than before, and yesterday was a rattling cough and vomit. We knew it was time, and that our visiting vet had been wrong, we would indeed have to euthanize.

My husband and I took her to the vet, and they gave her a seditive to calm her, before they gave the injection.. I went out to do the paperwork and pay, so that when it was done, we could just leave. My husband came out of the room and said, "she's gone". The vet thought my husband was wrong (considering she had not given her the injection yet) and that Freya was just sleeping, but no, she went in my husbands arms, while I was doing the fucking finances! He says I would never have wanted to see that, and that she was not alone, but on top of losing our sweet baby it hurts just that little bit more.

Our 1 year old Boxer male is lost right now, he keeps checking the bedrooms, and when I fed him, he wimpered and would not eat. He kept looking to where Freya's bowl should be. I had to sit down where she would have been to get him to eat half of his breakfast.

The greif comes and goes in waves. We are all trying to be strong for each other, but its painful. Being a responsible caring, loving animal owner is very rewarding and sometimes it just plain sucks!

Freya had her name when we got her, and being names after the Goddess of love and beauty was perfect. She was such a sweet dog and will be very much missed.
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