Thread: Feces!
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Old 08-28-2014, 12:45 PM   #28
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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FTR, Mum's friend had to pay to the water company for a sewage backup because it occurred on her property.
She was in her 60s at the time, and the blockage was traced to nappies being flushed down the toilet. Hardly hers. The man who came to sort the problem out put notices through the doors of all the properties further up the same system, so that she did not have to confront her neighbours. Not that anyone ever owned up or offered to help with the fee.

Mum & Dad had a similar problem when we were little - they used terry towelling ("real") nappies, so it wasn't them.
What had been assumed to be a stream running through the garden had been there before they moved in. Turned out to be a broken water pipe. Clean tap water luckily, not grey water/ sewage. They were okay financially as it was council owned housing at the time. But the whole garden, which they were only just establishing, looked like the Somme for weeks as they tried to trace the leak.

Despite not having to pay, Mum was of course horrified at the slur on her character.
We never flushed anything solid down the toilet in my childhood (apart from little brown fish).
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