Thread: Domestic Drones
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Old 05-16-2012, 11:19 AM   #15
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Jesus, mercy, you sound like my ex wife. What lecture?

re: "If you only knew." The idea that a public discussion of what effects this technology might have might compromise some kind of operational secret is laughable.

You'd rather we be frightened and ignorant? Or just ignorant? Or just ignorant just so long as you're in the know? I'm guessing it's something like that. Such an attitude utterly disregards the fact that the police work for me. They're answerable to me, as a taxpayer. And that means satisfying my questions about what's going on. Now you're not answerable to me and that's just dandy. But my local police department *IS*, and I deserve and expect answers from them. And I am unfazed by your bluster about "not going there" and about not discussing it publicly.

Now that's a lecture.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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