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Old 06-07-2007, 10:29 PM   #1
Soul Duck
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Posts: 485
Invasion of America

What would the May 1, 2006, illegal immigration boycott look like without illegal immigration?

* The lives of 12 U.S. citizens would be saved who otherwise would die a violent death at the hands of murderous illegal aliens each day.
* Another 13 Americans would survive who are otherwise killed each day by uninsured drunk driving illegals.
* There would be no one to smuggle across our southern border the heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamines, which plague the United States, reducing the U.S. supply of methamphetamines that day, by 80%.
* Our hospital emergency rooms would not be flooded with everything from gunshot wounds, to anchor babies, to imported diseases, to hangnails, giving American citizens the day off from standing in line behind illegals.
* Eight American children would not suffer the horror as victims of sex crimes.

Let's start with a broad summary on how illegal immigration is or can affect you personally. Here are just some of the negative side affects of illegal immigration:

* easy conduit for terrorists entering the USA
* massive escalation in crime
* surge in foreign national prisoners to support for years
* increases Balkanization of US
* increases multiculturalism/segregation/divisiveness instead of the American melting pot
* increases desire for Aztlan (reclaiming SW states for Mexico)
* increasing number of traffic accidents
* main contributor to surging US population
* dramatic impact on society and infrastructure, including education
* destruction of fragile ecosystems in American SW
* main cause of emergency rooms and hospitals closing as well as service cut backs
* introduction of third world diseases
* increased welfare costs
* massive costs to society – over and above contributions

America's response to being invaded? "They are just here to work" "Don't be such a racist" blah blah

America was once a great nation but now you are just sleeping and pretending your dying nation is okay.
But hey! What does an outsider that lived there know?
Attack all you want but you know I'm right. America need to pull itself together.
Girls are like phones. We love to be held, talked too but if you press the wrong button you'll be disconnected!
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