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Old 07-24-2018, 12:32 PM   #35
henry quirk
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"What's preventing organized crime? If the one rule is MYOB, they can target people a few at a time to build a power base, and people trying to organize against them will be accused of not minding their own business. Does the one and only law prohibit them from hiring outside contractors for security to protect against reprisals from people like Jane?"

But MYOB is not the whole of it.

'Mind your own business, keep your hands to yourself...or else.'

And: you gotta remember context. The Law isn't meant to primarly govern interpersonal interaction, it's meant primarily as an admonishment to those who'd presume to rule, to govern, Golgothans.

Some busybody lookin' to get up in your affairs: that's on you how you handle it.

Some busybody lookin' to establish a conduit on Golgotha wherein illegal (elsewhere) product is moved to and fro, that's on individuals how they wanna deal (some will ignore, some will align).

But folks comin' and tryin' to muscle Golgothans, or develop a power base so as to direct the affairs and finances of Golgothans, well, it won't just be Jane goin' to war.

Let's say Munson is lookin' to replace one of the electron beam initiators on his pulse drive. He's got a cargo box full of spices from a previous run. He knows Lazarus Whey is the go-to guy for refurbished initiators and he knows Whey has a sidebusiness trading in rare organics. A normal transaction would have the two haggle over price and they'd settle on sumthin' mutual or Munson would take his business elsewhere. But suppose Whey wouldn't sell the initiator, or asked for a price way beyond what the market dictates, or just flat out admits he has 'partners' who win't let him deal the way he used to. Munson (cuz he dreads the loss of Whey's products, and mebbe cuz he likes Whey) will make his inquiries. Golgotha is small...some one will spill the beans. Before you know it, Whey is gettin' visits from concerned folks lookin' to help (introduce his 'partners' to vac). Within the confines of the Law this is wholly acceptable and probably even mandated. If Jane has a lucky run and brings home surplus deuterium that will skew the economy but naturally. If Whey's 'partners' skew the economy through artificial price hikes and created scarcity, this is a large-scale event, a major 'not keepin' your hands to yourself' event. '...or else' is invoked with a vengance.

And if Whey goes pussy and refuses to assist Golgothans lookin' to break his 'partners' most surely he's slated for vac. He's already on thin ice lettin' himself be used in the first place.
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