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Old 05-26-2005, 10:34 AM   #68
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Originally Posted by jaguar
your semantics say it all really. What's 'extreme justice' ? Sounds like a polite way of saying cruel, sadastic revenge that sounds more palateable to me. Which makes you no better.
I can tell you what justice isn't: creating a system by which the predator of children is suddenly elevated to an untouchable status, where committing the most atrocious act possible on the most innocent of victims is a ticket to free health care, free boarding, internet access and a voluminous law library (and public servants) at your disposal. What a coup, to have a significant segment of the population believe that what you've done isn't evil (since there's no such thing), and to suddenly have the might of the ACLU at your back, daring "the man" to look at you crossways.

Cruel, sadistic revenge? Not at all. An end at the hands of a firing squad is multiple powers of magnitude MORE humane than what he did, and if he deserves any "respect," it's a quick end to his miserable poisonous existence, and not a whit more. That you, jaguar, would align yourself on the side of such monsters just so you can fly the philosophical banner of "fairness" is disgusting. I'm sure you're giddy with joy that the kid who was released from prison yesterday can once again live a normal life. Well, normal but for the fact that he seems to have a propensity for beating little girls into bloody rags by picking them up by the legs and dashing them against brick walls. But hey, a little couch time and he'll be right as rain.

If one of these people visited your home, you might feel differently. I shudder to think that you might not. After all, you can accuse people like me of cruelty and utterly turn your back on the victims of the world's most vile crimes. I'm sure Dahmer would've appreciated your support.
Sìn a nall na cuaranan sin. -- Cha mhór is fheairrde thu iad, tha iad coltach ri cat air a dhathadh
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