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Old 05-17-2012, 01:48 PM   #15
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002

If you really want me to remove Crash I will but it's OK if it's on the list...I was going to come back and try to get you to watch it. It was one of those I got cheap and hadn't seen and was like "Best Picture...whut?" and I watched it and loved it. I watched it again the very next day. And again a couple weeks later. It's about racism but it really looks at it from so many points of view it really made me think. Let me know if you watch it if you like it or not. I'd offer to lend it but I lent it to the 'rents and they haven't watched it. I think I scared them off with my insistence on them seeing 127 Hours.

edit: I just saw there was another Crash made in 1996, with James Spader and Holly Hunter. This is NOT the one I've seen, but it's probably why I was never interested in the 2004 Crash...completely different kind of movie for sure.

classic: I know, but you know how I feel about movies about little kids running around in otherworlds...just not my cup o' tea.

1) Battleship
2) Titanic
3) Meet the Fockers
4) Eat Pray Love
5) Crash *
6) Boxing Helena
7-14) Harry Potter and The Whatever's Anything
15-17) Lord of the Rings ad nauseam
18) Showgirls
19) Kill Bill
20) Eyes Wide Shut
21) Twilight
22) Interview With a Wampire
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