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Old 09-25-2004, 08:15 PM   #1
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We just got Elfin Bedwe'er's bloodwork back from the lab and his lead levels are pretty damn high, a shade under 30 mc/dl (he's 9 months).

This totally sucks. The state is sending some lead abatement/counsellor to our house to "learn us" all about lead.

Our house is about 150 years old. It is basically constructed of lead. Probably would only have more lead in it if it were made from old car batteries.

Anyway, we are going to have to do some serious lead abatement, but maybe we'll sell the house and move. It would be cheaper. As a friend of mine used to joke: "What DOES a quart of gasoline cost these days?"

I'm sure we'll get all kinds of helpful (read condescending) advice from the state worker about how to reduce his blood lead levels, but does anyone here have any experience with this?

The most irksome thing is that the case worker assumes we're ignant po trash because our kid has high lead levels. Well, we might be, but we're both college granulates.
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