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Old 10-14-2016, 05:07 AM   #994
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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I was baffled by the bird who attained safety on a ledge and then flew back again and was "eaten" by the sinkhole. It was like a nightclub for bried, "Oh well, if Bob's going in, it must be okay!"

Re Richmond Park. When Mum and Dad used to house-sit they had a number of customers in the area. The kind with indoor pools and security gates. They always asked if they could let the dogs off the lead in the Park. A surprising amount of owners believed their little darlings were well trained enough to ignore the distraction of a running deer. But it's a natural instinct; I wouldn't have trusted Diz with a spider, let alone a rodent. He'd probably even have tried for a smaller dog, and not just in a territorial way.

I can get remember giggling over my keyboard over a story Mum wrote me about combing an enormous expanse looking for a dog. Sadly I can't remember the details. They caught it eventually - I can only assume the thrill of the chase wore off and it was hungry. Suffice to say, they often used long leads in the Park from then on, but a lead they always used.
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