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Old 08-27-2010, 12:17 AM   #5835
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
My daughter is on a competition all-star cheer squad. It's pretty expensive--will end up costing us about $2K over the season for various fees, uniform, etc. not to mention travel to competitions.

Now, I don't really mind if she enjoys it. I like the little weekend trips, and it's a great way for her to stay physically fit.

Trouble is, she hurt her knee a couple weeks ago and decided, also because she's way freaked out about 9th grade and having enough time for school plus JROTC and clubs and etc. she wanted to quit.

I told her she could quit. No problemo.

Then the team mom informed me that I'd signed a contract (actually hubby signed it) saying I'd pay the full amount even if she quit.

Yikes! I'd end up owing about $1100 for NOTHING.

So I made her stay. Tried to encourage her, saying how she made a commitment, it'd be good in the long run, but now it's all led to a really sour feeling. Everyone knows she was planning to quit. See how that is?

And that's what upsets me today.
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