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Old 01-23-2020, 10:33 AM   #34
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
"Batteries suck" sure, but if we had started with batteries, and were told to switch to internal combustion?

"This thing is really slow!"
"I have to stand next to the car like an idiot to fuel it -- every 300 miles!"
I get 500 miles from a tank of gas traveling, I can go to Cape Cod without stopping to recharge for a day half way. Branson MO, three fuel stops maybe a half hour total time because it was almost 1200 miles.
"It breaks down three times as often!"
Only if you don't maintain them.
"The fuel got on my pants and I had to actually throw them away!"
No cure for stupid.
"Service the car every 7500 miles? Ridiculous!" "So you're saying I have to check the oil level with a little stick?"
Other than the oil and coolant Electrics need the same maintenance, tires, shocks, wheel bearings, brakes, steering gear, wiper fluid, wiper blades, all that stuff, plus the battery and wiring the mice love to chew.
"You're saying if this fuel leaks out it could catch fire and maybe even explode?"
Gasoline cars don't have the market on fires cornered by a long shot.
"So I can't refuel it at home?"
Of course you can.

Back in the beginning we had both gas and electric. Batteries sucked even worse then so the people chose gasoline.
Well Henry Ford had a lot of input.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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