Thread: Tasteless Jokes
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Old 12-17-2002, 11:26 AM   #153
going nowhere slow
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Originally posted by wolf

Ah ... changes in perspective ... I used to enjoy using drunks as playthings for head games cuz they were such easy targets. But I have promised to use these superpowers only on the side of the forces of good (well mostly) so I don't do that anymore.

Now when I deal with someone that drunk, i think of two things ... one, how much extra paperwork I'm going to have to deal with because I had to send some stupid drunken motherfucker to the ER for medical clearance, and two, the relative tranquility, once that paperwork is completed, because said jackass will not be back in my waiting room until long after my shift is over.

Personally I like the Listerine drunks the best. They're just as toasted as the beer/whiskey drunks, but at least they're minty-fresh.
Um, think I'm going to pay more attention to what other people are saying from now on. I know what I actually did, so it's not right for me to have made such a comment. I'm not going to repeat it, I'm actually honored in a strange and unexpected way. Joined at the hip, over and beyond the mountain. It's true, but I apologize for that fucked up comment, I just didn't know and will pay more attention from now on. Please accept my apology for the careless joke, of course I still think the world of you!
"There never seems to be enough time to do things you wanna' do once you find them."-excerpt from Jim Croce's 'Time in a Bottle'.
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