Thread: Camping Tips
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Old 04-18-2017, 04:21 AM   #11
desperate finder
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Luxembourg
Posts: 437
Originally Posted by footfootfoot View Post
Here's something I never could figure out. Apparently you can make a snow cave and live inside w/o freezing to death. But you read of people in their cars in blizzards who get buried and freeze to death. Isn't the car effectively a snow cave once it is buried? Do they actually suffocate or is it that the space inside the car, however insulated with mountains of snow, is too big to warm? I'm guessing, now that I think about it, 2 tons of metal is a greater heat sink than two tons of snow. Presumably, it would be better to make a snow cave outside the car.

Did I answer my own question?
I did some survival in Austria and Finland. So your answer is correct and then snow insulates very well. There's no wind/chill factor to consider when staying inside the snow. It's a smaller space than probably a car and with your body head and a small candle you could live quite comfortably for a night or two.
Complex simplex
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