Thread: Rules for Poets
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Old 11-26-2011, 04:39 AM   #43
Recruit or Something
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 4
(dedicated to Yvonne, raised to understand gentleness)

the north winds raced over the great plains and down mountain slopes,
in the valley by the atlantic coast i felt their sting,
they had appointment with pain near the caribbean sea,
i followed upon a giant cloud at their tail.

i flew low and gathered my beloved,
she took seat unclothed on the cloud, attired in majesty,
her love was glue; she could not fall,
i felt the strength of our bond.

we arrived o’er the isles and watched the great battle,
from the breasts of my beloved came nectar; we drank,
from my heart came rose petals, we ate
(winds fought the gray mists of sorrow born from dark waters),

zephyrs protected us with a mark upon our foreheads,
a secret symbol etched upon our brows,
we could not be harmed, both mark and bond were strong,
(neither did we have the power to grieve one another).

the noise of the battle was inaudible to mortal man so she composed music,
i wrote words to companion her creativity, thus was battle memorialized,
music and lyrics intertwined with love and beauty, for this was our way,
mortals heard beautiful symphony coming from the sky and grew angry.

the north winds sent mists back into the depths of waters,
then turned, smiled, and blessed us with a gust of wind,
and vowed never to let the spirits of division injure us,
we stayed awhile, seated upon the cloud, we had eternal reprieve.

we carved our names using sunlight onto a night sky,
i called her, 'Arwen"
she called me, "Water'
we named our bond, 'always'.

© by Erik, 15 Aug 2011, 1:27AM
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