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Old 11-11-2019, 10:47 PM   #1
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
Nov 12th, 2019 : Sofia Bulgaria

In 1954 the Soviets build a huge multi paneled monument to the Red Army, inscribed, "for the liberator Soviet Army from the
grateful Bulgarian people", on the 10th anniversary of...
The night they drove the Nazis down, and all the bells were ringing...
This is one of the panels.

If you were born in the Eastern block of Europe, you sure as hell saw a lot of Soviet monuments around. Soldiers, proudly leaning in forward in anticipation for a head-on fight with their guns in hands, fellow comrades standing in all their imposing and muscular glory, huge heads of Lenin… You’ve seen them all. While for the older generation, it can really evoke positive sentiments, even memories of the glorious Soviet Army maybe. For the young ones these monuments are usually synonymous with the good ole Soviet brain-washing.
The internet, travel, and student exchanges have added to the awareness of the shortcomings of all governments, east and west.
The what've you done for us lately is a constant and valid question from youth.
In 2011 the message was “Keeping up with the times”.

The 2012 “vandalism” was first anti-ACTA with Guy Fawkes masks, then hoods in support of the girls from the Pussy Riot.

In 2013 on the 45th anniversary of Bulgaria, along with 4 other Eastern Bloc states, sending troops to Czechoslovakia.
The message was “Bulgaria Apologizes”.

The 2014 message was Glory to Ukraine in support of their resistance to being gobbled up by Russia.

Along with the Ukraine support there was also some obscene remarks about Russian president “Kaputin”.
This time the Russians were really pissed (can’t imagine why) and through diplomatic channels sent threats protests of the
strongest type, demanding a full investigation and prosecution of the perps. Guess they were supposed to torture people until
someone confessed.

I don’t know if they did that, but the Russian threats protests must have impressed someone because it’s been quiet for five years.
Either the government has prevented further painting or the youth are adverse to torture.

There is an internal debate in Bulgaria as to whether to remove the whole damn monument or not, with strong supporters
on both sides. I don’t that is likely as Bulgaria must tread lightly with Trump sucking up to Kaputin.



The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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