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Old 05-15-2017, 07:31 AM   #3
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
A lot of states do not allow new construction in State Park lands; some State Parks are more heavily regulated than National Parks. Also, considering that a tornado took it apart, the state may be concerned about liability issues with building another extremely tall metal structure now that we know there is an attraction between tornadoes and large concentrations of metal. (I think it's believed to have to do with the massive amount of static electricity a tornado's wind generates, along with the fact that tornado-producing storms are usually electrical to begin with.)

Judging by the undisturbed greenway, the state may not even allow hiking in the area. I don't see any trails, but I can understand how a state government would be reluctant to let Ma n Pa Yokel Outta-Staters take their kids and go poke around the unstable rusty metal ruins. Edit: Yes I do see a trail, on the far riverbank. But I bet there's warning signs everyplace, and I for one wouldn't go poking around there without a tetanus shot--and tetanus shots SUCK.

If tourism by drone flight ever becomes a hugely popular thing, this is the kind of place to fly a drone with a camera!

Last edited by Snakeadelic; 05-15-2017 at 07:34 AM. Reason: Double-checked myself, found major error, need coffee.
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