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Old 07-18-2017, 08:02 AM   #19
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
The thing people forget about octopi is that they only have one inflexible body part, which is the beak they use to break open their food. There are no bones in their weight! Fill a quart freezer bag with water and dump it on a scale. Shave off 20% of the weight you get to account for all their muscle tissue, and you'll have roughly the weight of an octopus that would fit in that quart bag. Find someone good at math and have them figure out what volume any size octopus will fill by starting with its recorded weight (I just got home from almost 2 weeks on the road and my math brain has the dumbs right now...).

I'd rather wade through a pack of angry small dogs than try to deal with even one tentacle from a mature Pacific giant octopus. I've seen live ones in zoos and they are SCARY big. And all octopi are venomous as far as I know; their venom is a paralytic, not a narcotic. Few are lethal, but regardless of that an octopus bite sounds like a really bad day.
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