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Old 03-24-2010, 03:03 PM   #2086
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
Join Date: Nov 2007
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A letter to a local congressman. NOT from me, but a real letter. . .
Just another Congressman who thinks every taxpayer personally wants more from the government. A boilerplate reply looking for another vote in November.
I for one want less-less intrusion, less control, less taxes.
How is this going to be paid for? Just like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid were supposed to be self-funding.
No matter how big government says it will be paid for, there are never enough dollars because the program keeps expanding.
What's in the bill for all the big advocates- drug companies, AARP-most seniors wonder how its going to be paid for?

What makes this program so special that it will be run efficiently and cost-effectively? Unlike any other federal program ever.

I cant believe how out of touch with reality Congress and the President are. There's an old saying: "You've been a BS'er so long, You're starting to believe your own BS!"

A pox on both your houses, and the White House. All should be de-elected. Congressional sessions should be reduced to one month a year. Then you would really focus on the vital matters, like national security, and economic growth. You can't do damage when you are not in session.

Institute REAL campaign finance reform-your campaign can only raise funds in your district-every dollar needs to be publicly disclosed within 24 hours-make everything transparent immediately-no foreign money-really-no corporate contributions outside their headquarters district. Get the money out and maybe Congress would concentrate on whats best for the country and not whats best for the next election cycle.

A real response would be appreciated, point by point, but if thats too much trouble dont waste my time, I know you have a campaign or two to run , and it takes a lot of money to do it. All I have is a vote.

thank you,
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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