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Old 10-14-2017, 05:24 AM   #5
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
They established guidelines but found it took a long time to prepare and eat, plus what they described as a "remarkable" increase in flatulence from the high amount of starch in the diet, plus a 250% increase in poop.
Any major dietary change will result in a huge amount of flatulence for a few weeks, because it's caused (among other things) by mass bacterial die-off. You're starving the bacteria that eat what you used to eat, while growing the colonies that eat what you're now eating. The farting from a newly-high-starch diet will go away after awhile, and then would come back with a vengeance if/when you switched back to a relatively starchless diet. The same is partially true of poop quantities--the efficiency of our metabolism and how much we're able to utilize from a given meal has to do with the colonies we've cultivated. Give it a few months, and the more efficient colonies will thrive and the poop quantity will go down again. This is, of course, independent from certain generally-more-or-less digestible foods with variable fiber content, fermentable sugar content, etc. But radical shifts in diet play at least a partial role in the output of one's butthole.
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