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Old 03-08-2017, 06:59 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Any other Firefox users?

Yeah, I know. Firefox. But it was the best OS of the several already loaded & primed when I was given my computer for free, so I chose it because IE...really??? And Chrome is just too...stalkeriffic...for me. But now Firefox is doing something weird, actually has been for a while, and I wanted to find out if anyone knows anything about this.

It keeps hijacking itself insisting on a "very important" update that it for whatever reason won't auto-download. It does give me a prompt window with a 'cancel' button that works, and all I actually have to do to get it to go away at each instance (can be daily,'s kinda random but usually not more than once per session) is grab a bookmark for literally any other page.

But if it's such a crucial update, why doesn't it say anything about what the update does? Why are they hijacking their own browser? I know I'm paranoid, but I'll share a little quote I hope I still remember right. Michael Wincott's character in 'Strange Days'. "The question isn't whether you're paranoid, it's whether you're paranoid enough."

Anybody else using FF run across this? Anybody know what the 'update' actually is?
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