Thread: Weird News
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Old 04-04-2014, 09:07 AM   #2577
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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There is nothing *really* in walking distance around here. Well, as Steven Wright said "everywhere is walking distance, if you have the time." Which I do, currently, but I'm still not walking 4 miles to the grocery.

I always thought I would love a city, walking around all the time. Then I spent 5 years working in downtown Dayton. *shudders* Nasty, nasty place.

There are those who think my car is impractical. Maybe it is, in that it's not the 4 door sedan with a trunk in which I can transport dead hobos, and I DO call it 'my mid-life crisis' (which is really more of me trying to be humble and self-effacing because I do get a lot of comments.) I know that I am not my car, my car is not me...but it reflects a part of me. And it does because I bought it because I could. Because I like fun cars and it's a fun car. So? I tried practical, got smashed into two weeks after purchase of practical, and bought the 'vertible when my brand new Astra was totaled by a punk ass on a cell phone. isn't so impractical. It does better on snow than most SUVs, due to traction control and anti-lock brakes and probably some more technical stuff I know nothing about. It's zippy (not as zippy as zippyt, but zippy nonetheless.) I can park in tiny spaces.

This spring, when the weather finally broke for a couple days after a long winter, I fulfilled the tradition of picking up my buddy at work. We drove around with the top down, and people were waving and slug-bugging each other. It felt great, after the worst winter in my memory besides 1978.

There's a part of me that would like a different car. An impractical jeep or an SUV or truck that seems practical because I could actually haul stuff in it. But there are still enough days in the year that my car gives me joy that I may as well hang onto it for a bit. I like cars. Always have. So sue me.

Wait, what were we talking about? There was some weird news about a car?
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