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Old 12-23-2017, 07:39 AM   #59
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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I say we disregard anything either one of them says about the other, unless they have a record of actually addressing that issue with equal intensity as their opponent did.
A sensible approach sir.
I thought about this. Sorry. There's a very basic problem with it so I get to write my paragraphs anyway. Sorry. I'll keep brief.

Traditionally, Conservativism stems from an instinct to preserve the status quo. Therefore actually addressing capital-P Problems is more often the Liberal instinct, and the personality types drawn to it want to Do Something.

As such, you should always find more Doing of Things from Liberals. And you and I agree* from our moral understanding, which teaches us that moving ahead is always the Right Thing To Do. Let's Fix Stuff. As such, the party that is best, is the one Doing More Things, addressing issues.

Buuuuut, Libs fail to appreciate the moral values that actually keep society together. We hate Conservatives and their preservation of the structures... that have gotten us to the level we are at today. Most societies are not doing so well, and preserving our very successful one is important, but we can't see that because it's not part of our moral fiber.

And, very often, this urge to Change will become destructive. For example, the urge to use the very latest in scientific understanding to improve our society. In the 1920s and 30s, the science in favor was Eugenics. Science agreed it was right. The science started in Britain and spread around the world, including the US. At the time, Germany was a leader of the scientific world. Germany decided that using science to improve society was the correct way, made it a cornerstone really, and proceeded ahead as fast as possible.

There is sometimes great value in NOT Doing Things. In being conservative. You and I, we don't appreciate that. Good luck to us all.

*it's true
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