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Old 09-01-2011, 03:32 PM   #7441
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Knew this earlier, but forgot to tell you's.

Going to the Family Fun Day on Saturday. It's in a local park, arranged by a coalition of local churches and the council (AVDC) I have no issue going to a church sponsored event. I work in a faith-based school. Jebus is okay with paying my wages, he can deal with me watching kids on a bouncy castle.

I had already arranged to go with Tennant's Mum (and Tennant).
I sent Tiger a postcard back in July, and followed it up with a handwritten card last week - including a recipe I thought his Mum might like, and of course an invite for Saturday.

Tiger-mum called me today to say yes, yes, yes. And I could hear Tiger in the background, wanting to speak to me.
Being an autistic child (and five years old) he said his set piece all in one breath - thank you for my card I look forward to seeing you at school and on Saturday thank you goodbye. But I was happy that he wanted to speak to a disembodied me.

Tiger-mum is seeing Tennant-mum tomorrow - the birthday party of a child who will be in my class next year - and will confirm arrangements.

It could be that something has come up and/ or she can't make it.
But at the very least (and it's not the least at all) I will see Tiger.

I'm so happy I can't tell you.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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