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Old 12-27-2010, 08:01 AM   #6063
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I texted me niece to ask if they were still coming round. Simple question with no side to it. Apparently my BIL is under the weather, so it's cancelled. Not wanting to be paranoid I'll take that at face value.

Mum & Dad came home at 13.15.
I called down because I could hear their cat's tag clicking against her dish, and I had already fed her.
Mia always eats between 12.15-12.45 unless there is some emergency.

So, trying to make light of things I called down, "Oops! That's Mia's second meal!" Trying at least for jovial.
"The plate wasn't down, how were we supposed to know." Delivered in a furious voice(because I'd washed up her dish and put it away).
"Sorry for feeding her then, it's just she always eats at 12.30".
I shouldn't have replied, but there was no further comment anyway.

What sort of petty bitch does she think I am? That I would let an elderly cat wander about without feeding her at her usual time, just because Mum is pissed at me?

So. No resolution soon it seems.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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