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Old 06-04-2013, 05:47 AM   #997
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Funny enough I had pork yesterday.
Mum made it for Sunday dinner and I just didn't fancy it. It was a packet mix for a start and I often find them too salty.

However there were plenty of leftovers and it smelled so nice that I thought it would be worth a try. I cut the pork up into bite sized pieces, then just lumped in all the sauce (to which had been added fresh onion and apple) then topped with glazed carrots. 20 minutes in the oven and it came out lovely. I did take the potatoes out though, and made some brown rice to go with it.

There was still enough left from the original meal for Mum and Dad to have it as their main too, not bad, five portions from one cook. Not bad for them anyway; I'm used to cooking and freezing but over the years Mum did get in the habit of binning leftovers. A combination of my influence and now having a kitchen caddy for plate scraping has certainly cut down on waste in the house.

I'm afraid I'm onto the WeightWatchers frozen meals now. Mum thinks I'm being a dutiful daughter and eating my way through the freezer. Don't like to tell her I literally have no money to restock my cupboard... I'm not going hungry of course. I'm such a food-monkey when I have money that I have plenty of pulses and spices to get buy on.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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