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Old 03-08-2019, 10:34 AM   #2249
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
...One dude and a website ain't cuttin' it for me. /r/conspiracy, give me a fuckin' break. I need to see documents and results.

Ok, Ok, I hear you. Let me see if I can get something better.

slang [picks up the phone...starts dialing] ringing....

Ac Sec Shanahan Central Command, may I oppress you? This phone call is being recorded, your geographical position triangulated and your voice being loaded into voice stress analysis software.

slang Yah-huh, is Pat available to take a call? It's slang.

Ac Sec Shanahan slang.

slang Yah. He'll know me. Haven't spoken in a while but, trust me, he'll know who I am.

Ac Sec Shanahan ....

slang I'm a US citizen. He likes US citizens.

Ac Sec Shanahan ...Please hold for the Secretary....

slang Great, thanks.

Ac Sec Shanahan Wha wha blah blahbidy blah

slang Hey, hiyadoin'. Looks like you're moving up in the world.

Ac Sec Shanahan Blabby blah kaddy du. Be bop de op!

slang Yes, yes. Congratulations. Even with the "acting"

Ac Sec Shanahan Dubity doo wa kah?

slang Listen, I got myself in a jam-

Ac Sec Shanahan Piddy ku gun ka?

slang No, no, not that serious of a jam. The thing is, I'm posting on the in defense of my own knowledge of not exactly trusting all you mother effers.

Ac Sec Shanahan Ku bit blah kah? Meoh Ack so?

slang Oh, you're looking at it now, great. Thing is I need some better proof or at the very least, evidence links to post that you guys are gearin' up to give us a royal screwin' with all this "social media" crap.

Ac Sec Shanahan Hmmm. Bedi ang lami? Blah blahh ni ka?

slang Yes, yes, I posted links from Wikipedia, NYT, Wired, Reddit and Not impressed.

Ac Sec Shanahan Dibah. Ang ak so nu blah blah?

slang Is there ANYTHING in the public realm that you might give me in defense of my paranoia? Links? Documents? Maybe testimony? Something?

Ac Sec Shanahan Hinah. Bit do sik ah.

slang Well, that's sorta what I thought. DENIED. Even for an old pal?

Ac Sec Shanahan Hinah. Bit do sik ah. Pee de bot be ng round top. Mit ko na sah.

slang Yah, I just wrote that a few days ago.

Ac Sec Shanahan Hinah. Bit do sik ah.

slang No, no, no. I left your name out of it. You see any reference to "my old friend Patrick from teenage years" shooting a 22 pistol at cans on the pond?

Ac Sec Shanahan Dabee. Bla-ka dee bah na?

slang Read it. There's no mention of where the body is buried. Would I do that?

Ac Sec Shanahan Hmmmm. Gah-da-it mo ang na sa.

slang All right. You are not giving me classified info so that I can post links on the cellar in defense of my theory that you crazy m-effers are collecting every Fing thing we do online to be used against us at some point unknown and for reasons as yet unknown. And you are not happy for me even asking. Got it.

Ac Sec Shanahan blak-de-ba-na!! -[click!]-

Ok. That's my only wildcard. Not much else I can post or research here on this subject.

Oh, and just because you can't prove it without classified or proprietary information, doesn't mean it's not true.

Just sayin'
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