Thread: Not Ugly Cars
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Old 10-11-2002, 12:43 PM   #5
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Re: Not Ugly Cars

Originally posted by Griff
Now that we know what we don't like in cars, what do we like? I like the new Thunderbird its not the old Bird but it'll do.
The original Tbird was a beautiful car. Innovative in thought. Designed by car people. Then a bean counter who did not even have a driver's license turned it into a bloated piece of crap. Car guys who later wrote books (both from Ford and GM) rountinely note how a good thing was perverted. It drove like your living room couch. It was too big. It rode like a water ballon. Its engine was such low performance that it required bigger and bigger engines. It polluted excessively. Gas mileage was embarrassing. Then it had trouble idling without overheating. The Tbird demonstrated exactly what was wrong with Ford Motor and now demonstrates that someone is slowly getting their act together. Yes, it takes 20+ years to undo the destruction of bean counter mentalities.

What makes something pretty is what is under the skin. For example, what makes a pretty women? Big breasts? Curvy figure? Good complextion? Desireable face? Good personality?

All those are indicators of something superior under the skin. Big firm breast (not overly enlarged) means she is fertile and can better nurse children. Curvy figure with well proportioned hips means she is ready to raise healthy kids. Good complextion with a symmetrical face means she is genetically superior and healthy. And so it goes. Those things that we call pretty are really based upon fundamentally essential features under the skin.

That new Tbird is pretty because of what is inside. There are still many improvements necessary, but it is a good first step.

Then there are perverts who want a 50+" chest on a woman and call something pretty only because of its size or price. You know you've made it when you can buy a $2000 per night hooker. After all, at that price, the sex must be better.

What is pretty is really based upon fundamental facts. If a Porshe had a Pinto engine, then what would it be? If a tree did not provide heat, homes, fruit, shade, oxygen, and soil conservation, then what would it be? Any ugly, ungainly, disjointed, unsymmetrical weed.
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