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Old 12-13-2018, 01:38 PM   #51
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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Five (5) New Questions

One was chosen at random. Random. Get it?

1. Let's assume that you won't die from being in space with no suit, everything else is normal. If ya fart really hard, will ya go tootling through space (figuratively)? Could ya move from the propelling force of a fart in the vacuum of space? What if ya drink like six Bud Lights and then pee, in space?

2. Y'know when ya open that bottle of Bud Light/Caffeine Free Pepsi there's the little cloud of, what I assume to be, carbon dioxide in the neck of the bottle? I don't drink that cloud, I put a gentle puff of breath into the bottle to blow that little cloud away. Which has more co2, the little cloud, or the puff of used air that blows it out of the bottle?

3. You're in weightless space, and you're messing around with a blob of water floating in front of you. Is it surface tension that holds the blob together? If there was a pressure sensor inside the blob of water would it register anything?

4. If the blob of water (^above^) was big enough, could you swim in it in space? Or would ya just be moving water around?

5. Where was it the last time you saw it?

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