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Old 06-07-2007, 11:01 AM   #92
I just look like I'm listening
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Texas
Posts: 39
Invaders, eh? Well duck_duck, if every immigrant is an invader and should be kicked out, you were an immigrant here and we're glad you ceased "invading" our country. Yay for us!

I know the PERFECT way to get all of the invaders/immigrants out: convince them all that the US is broken beyond repair and that they will almost certainly be a victim of some of the rampant violence overtaking the country, just walking out the door of their home! They'll all be gone by the end of the year!

The truth of the matter is that EVERY American, save for native Americans, aka Indians, got here because someone immigrated here in the past (or even recently, for first generation immigrants). Both sides of my family "invaded" here in the early 1600s, settled in Virginia, started plantations, and became Americans by working and contributing to the nation. Should I leave? If so, where am I supposed to go? The US *is* the among the wealthiest countries in the world, and it is what it is because of the hard work of immigrant descendants. It has the culture it does because it has woven together the many cultures of the people who immigrated here over time, to the point that we even have our own unique accent to the English language.

duck_duck, really, it's time to grow up. Take some US history and civics classes in the US and find out how it really works. I can wave any flag I want in the street and can say pretty much anything I want while doing so because I have the freedom to have an opinion and to express it. The Founding Fathers of the United States were no idiots: they spent months and months writing and rewriting our Constitution and Bill of Rights based on solid history and a desire not to repeat the mistakes of the governing bodies of the lands from whence they came. We have the freedoms we do to ensure that we are not squashed under the thumbs of tyranny, as many of our ancestors were before coming here. It is worth noting, also, that nothing changes and improvement never occurs if those who would have the ideas to change it are discouraged or even outlawed from doing so. Those freedoms also allow us to know the real truth of what happens in our country, right down to crime stats (Freedom of Information Act), and gives our newspapers the right to print it (First Amendment), unlike China, which restricts internet access and limits the information its citizens get in order to keep people like you happy and believing that you are safe.

Someone else already said it, but if you want to make a change (and it's clear that you don't; you just want to play the armchair critic), get back over here and run for office, vote, and/or be an active voice in the ear of a legislator who *can* make a difference. Until then, and someone else already said this too, shut your piehole.

Last edited by AgentApathy; 06-07-2007 at 11:47 AM.
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