Thread: Bruises
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Old 12-23-2010, 10:59 AM   #91
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Mum comes out tops with her bruised leg.
I do feel for her - but she has been extremely pissy because of it.

She blames Grandad because he summoned them round there at 08.00 for something that could have waited. This "put them all behind" (the 'rents have a hectic schedule of cleaning and shopping now they are retired). Then Dad had to go and get takeaway for Gdad, because he didn't want to go to daycare after all the hoo-ha (it was a broken lamp). Then the snow starts to fall. And Aylesbury gets gridlocked. So it takes Dad an hour to come back with a cold burger and fries.

Mum and Dad give up going into town for their own little treat at this point, and decide to check out the refurbishment to the estate pub - the Dairy Maid.
Walking down there, Mum slips over. Refuses to let Dad help her up as he has a bad back. Is evenutally helped by a white van man, comes home and lies on the sofa. At which point I come home from school, full of festive cheer, only to receive a bitter tirade against Grandad who is accounted solely responsible.

Hmmmm. I remember when I went over on my birthday year before last, because a woman in front of me stopped suddenly and my ankle turned on a cracked pavement. Mum promptly told her that it wasn't her fault, it was mine for wearing silly shoes.

So funnily enough, I've offered sympathy, but not condoned the bitching and self-pity. Especially since I caught her telling my brother's MOTHER-IN-LAW (a woman she has no respect for) on the phone that no-one else in this house knew how to clean a bathroom apparently. I cleaned the stupid bathroom (which was spotless anyway) but I did make it obvious I'd heard her. No word about everything else I've done - some at her request and some at my own instigation...

All that aside (getting it off my chest), here is the bruise pic. She's got dolly lallies for a 64 year old! And yes, I do feel like a mean witch of a daughter when I look at it.
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