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Old 02-07-2012, 10:36 AM   #735
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Nah, she's just terrified of meds. She's said to me before, "But what is he going to do? He does the pill cam, he sees the disease, then what does he do?"

"Well, it depends on the kid, but the protocol usually involves a tapering round of Prednisone, followed by Entocort and another type of anti-inflammatory depending on the damage, maybe Pentasa or Sulfasalazine... and these kind of overlap so you're weaning off the steroids and ramping up on the maintenance meds, and the idea is that you force it into remission and then the anti-inflammatories hold it in check, as long as you stay on the restricted diet and all that..."

And she shook her head and said, "Yeah, we just really want to keep him off meds." It's like the argument against putting kids on Ritalin or antidepressants, except these aren't psych meds, they're GI meds. I've asked her before, what if your kid were diabetic, would you want to keep him off insulin? And she insisted that was somehow different. She feels like the medical community already betrayed her, and she's terrified to go back.
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