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Old 01-24-2009, 06:40 PM   #1
I thought I changed this.
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: western nowhere, ny
Posts: 412
the only truth is that there is no truth

Interesting NYT article about the difficulty of being a journalist in a conflict where both sides are so passionate and so polarized that anything but complete complicity with one side is akin to complete complicity with the other.

No place, date or event in this conflicted land is spoken of in a common language. The barrier snaking across and inside the West Bank is a wall to Palestinians, a fence to Israelis. The holiest site in Jerusalem is the Temple Mount to Jews, the Noble Sanctuary to Muslims. The 1948 conflict that created Israel is one side’s War of Independence, the Catastrophe for the other.
Ethan Bronner, "The Bullets in My In-Box"

It's strange to realize that the only really objective thing you can say is that everyone is biased.
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