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Old 03-09-2017, 09:16 AM   #8
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Originally Posted by Gravdigr View Post
Firefox is a web browser, not an operating system.
I think I was tired & out of it on pain meds when I defaulted to "OS" because my brain couldn't remember "browser". Isn't there a German word for 'when you lose a stupidly simple word and have to replace it with something of debatable accuracy'? Seems like the kind of thing there'd be a German word for.

And thankee to everyone! I had a feeling that was a Bad Thing, and so I am always very careful (because my hands do sometimes randomly twitch, clench, or snap open) when I hit Cancel on the download dialog box. I actually accidentally twitch-clicked a popup once and it cost me $90 to get the computer working again--even my dad, an IT professional and total gear geek, could not do much with it from a distance so I had to take it to a shop.

I have noticed an association between the browser hijack and a specific site. I don't think it comes from the site, however; the site in question is popular, entrenched, and not particularly predatory on its own. I think it's sneaking in with somebody's advertising. I got nailed by malware hidden in ads on the Cheezburger sites (now blocked by the browser) and DeviantArt (also blocked by the browser). DA is so bad my neighbor's Mac kept getting attacked before I just gave up despite all the stunning art to be found therein, and just about no one seems to write malware for Macs, at least in the parts of the Net where I hang out.
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