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Old 04-28-2006, 01:01 AM   #79
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: "the high up north"
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I agree, some of tw's posts are almost unreadable.

Second point: if Felt had other options, then clearly we are prosecuting intelligence operative in Abu Ghraid prision who ordered and condoned outright torture and murder.
I thiiiink that miiiiiiight have made some sense... maybe...?

tw, as I have said before, extreme left is no better than extreme right. There are multiple ways to look at issues, and Rush Limbaugh isn't the only person who often ignores facts presented right to his face. Many times, TW came right out and said, plainly and honestly (well, seemed honest to me), that you were wrong about his thoughts and ideologies many times, but you kept right on saying the same things about him being Rush and Bush's puppet.

Anyway, about the actual topic of this thread? Deep Throat is almost a god, for the exact reasons bruce described. I may not have grown up in that time period, but I've read my history books, and I know that what Nixon did is worse than what Bush has done in many ways. At least Bush honestly believes he's doing what's right...

And about the 18 1/2 minute gap... Has anyone ever heard Alice's Restaurant? Arlo has theorized that, well, there arent a whole lot of things exactly that length, and....
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