Thread: Post Your Pet
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Old 02-15-2012, 11:02 AM   #2010
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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I've shaved my pussy.

Stupid DizCat McStupid Cat managed to get painted.
Dads is slowly painting the woodwork (skirting boards, stair rails etc) and Diz has miraculously avoided any paint so far.

But this afternoon he turned up with a huge splodge of white paint on his hindquarters.
Now there might be a safe way to remove paint from cats, but I wasn't willing to risk giving him even an extra minute to try and lick it off.
Snip, snip, snip with the scissors, then a little razor work.

Singas have less layers of fur than other cats, so it looks more dramatic. Of course because of the missing layers the paint was close to his skin, so it really was a hack-job.

I'd rather the boy looks like he has the mange than get anything bad in his mouth.
Serves him right, the silly sod.
At least he can lick his shorn pride without having to go to the vet.
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