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Old 12-27-2018, 05:12 PM   #9
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by Flint
You're gonna need a pretty big tinfoil hat to protect yourself from all the "smart" devices cross-referencing your conversations, biometric and face-recognition based logins, and usage patterns.
Sure--but if a company can sell fake users to a corporation, who's to say I couldn't hire a similar company (or better yet, utilize a free open-source app created by anarchists for just this purpose) to pepper my conversations, logins, and usage with fake conversations, logins, and usage?

If you're suggesting that Amazon, Google, and Netflix will form an alliance to pool their data and deduce that since I bought A, B, C, searched for C, D, E, and watched C, F, G, then the "real me" must truly be interested in C... I'd still maintain that it's just a question of noise volume--with enough noise there is no meaningful signal. And in the end, it's not about the reliability of their data anyway, it's about whether other entities trust them enough to pay for it. Like UT said, it's not sustainable, and I personally think we've already hit the "trust" tipping point.
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