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Old 01-17-2005, 08:24 AM   #9
still eats dirt
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 3,031
I'm a little less enthusiastic about the plethora of wristlets out there. Lance Armstrong's was first one I noticed (the yellow one that *eye roll* John Kerry wore throughout the campaign). Now there are green USO ones, red ones, orange ones, pink ones. And I have my doubts that much if any of the money paid for it actually reaches the supposed destination. I think they have turned into a fashion statement for teenagers and oldsters who want everyone to think they are hip/cool.

Well, this was my idea: if you want to really do something for the troops, why not have a similar system to the Armstrong yellow bands? What if you got something in return for having a care package sent to our fighting men and women? On display, it would actually mean something and would show that you did something to help make a soldier's tour better and let them know you're thinking of them. Then, just like the Armstrong bands, it would serve to let others know about it and propagate the meme.

At that point, that fashion statement of it wouldn't bother me. (I haven't seen any of the USO ones floating around, only the yellow ones. What do the orange and pink mean?)
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