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Old 11-11-2012, 07:18 PM   #8
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1) we know jobs were created and the economy boomed when taxes made sense. To create a recession, George Jr, et al created welfare for the rich. Selling that lie as a job creator. We know that welfare contributed to a massive recession. Why then continue what has a long history of creating recessions? Instead, restore taxes to levels that once made a booming American economy in the 1990s.

2) economics is now taking revenge. No money game that can avert that economic revenge. Remaining question: who will pay the most for the fiscal mismanagement in the 2000s? Those bills must be paid no matter what money game is played.

And so 3). Economists discuss two fundamental parameters that best define the resulting damage and recovery. The first is a Gini index. A relationship between the wealthiest and everyone else. Historically, when a Gini index falls, then a gap between the wealthiest and all others decreased. Then an economy booms. When the Gini index increases, then recessions tend to happen. Of course we are discussing short term economics - maybe a result in five or ten years. In the 2000s, America's Gini index has increased.

Second, is a variable called a "multiplier". A multiplier of 1.5 means that $1 in government spending cuts reduces the nation's GDP by $1.50. So does austerity create a multiplier greater than or less than 1? What is the economic harm in the next few years and much longer in the short term? Well, that multiplier varies between 0.9 and 1.7 when austerity is implemented during a recession. And that multiplier tends to be below 1 (better return on government dollars) when austerity is implemented during a booming economy - ie during Clinton's tenure.

These figures only summarize minor variations found in the money games. Because economics must still take revenge. We are discussing pain immediately or less pain over more years. Politicians have been preaching wild speculation without numbers. Also forget to mention that austerity today means different consequence in year one and in year eight. Moreso, the depth or a recession represent a shortage of innovation. Something that economists ignore because it cannot be quantified by economists.

Recessions are only solved by the resulting innovations in the economy. All towns suffer from a recession. Which ones in a nation, historically, recover from a recession faster and stronger? Those with innovative industries. Despite all that silly argument over austerity verses stimulus (or tax cuts), we know the only poeple who best solve a recession and debt crisis are the industries (and people) who innovate.

They tend to be people who are not rich (instead aspire to be rich). And tend to be stifled by rich who stifle innovation and harm economies to protect their wealth. None of that is discussed when the people are being fed sound bytes by extremist liberal and conservative politicians.

The fiscal cliff is about who gets punished most for George Jr's money games (and other fiascos including Mission Accomplished). Those who most deserve to be punished are those who got rich by playing money games. By not building productive industries.

How do we implement that solution? Good luck trying to punish those most responsible for this recession. Instead the economy must punish all workers. The people who did not get rich. No money game that can target the problem - ie MBAs. But we can try to reward those who create innovative products. That means nine totally defective and bankrupt investments only resulting in one product company.

Instead, we have politicians who said they want America to fail. Or who claim tax cuts create jobs (when history proves otherwise). So we have the fiscal cliff - that punishes the less guilty more and less punishes those who created this recession.

Anybody see Nardelli, Wagoner, Frazier, Perez, Cantor, etc complaining about pain from a recession they intentionally created? When we talk about the fiscal cliff, why are they not put forth as icons to this problem? Others who hype poltiical spin also do not discuss relevent numbers. Including a multiplier or a Gini Index. Liars and their deceieved victims routinely discuss solutions by ignoring such numbers. Note how many are outrightly lying (just like Rush Limbaugh). Note those with miracle solution never once discuss innovation or its sources. Instead they hype getting rich (the MBA solution) - as if money games solve problems or create innovation.
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