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Old 09-03-2005, 05:35 PM   #15
But so am I
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Currently enjoying the wonderful desert regions of Iraq
Posts: 4
First off, thank you for the welcome. Secondly, I'm going to stop numbering my thoughts. How did I find how do I describe you? Celler dwellers feels to modest. It creates pictures in my head of sloth fingered, bacon eating, pale, socially regected dwellers that actually inhabit a dark, musty, curiously moist cellar. When in fact, you're an intelligent, strictly regulated group of experienced, well rounded, well informed, topic tackling individuals. Possibly still pale, bacon eaters but I try not to judge. I'm a network administrator in the Marine Corps. I know most people find it difficult to imagine a Marine doing anything with a computer besides blowing it up or melting down its components to make rounds, but yes, we do have deployed networks. More specifically my job is to run the base firewall. Keeping everyone from what they love, which is mostly porn. I'm sure you're framiliar with one of our regularly used troubleshooting systems. Google. High tech right? Well sometimes the best way to stop someone is to know how they work. I typed in "not porn" and this site came up. From what I've read I could have typed in whale penis and got the same results. I was instantly hooked, on the site not the whale. Your posts are intriguing, entertaining, and as I'm discovering, highly addictive. I've never been able to get my required daily intake of narcissism, wit, sarcasm, dry humor, wet humor, bullshit, and brutal honesty in one place before. I'm not going to sit here and lick your assholes all day. If you want praise, call your mother. Or just murder proper grammar in a corn field. That seems to work.
Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.
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