The Cellar

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Griff 09-22-2007 04:01 PM

Lil' Griff scored a goal at field hockey today and Pete's homemade goat feta is awesome!

elSicomoro 09-22-2007 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 388012)
He played a great game (he's tight end)

Wow...macking on your own sick bitch! :)

elSicomoro 09-22-2007 04:11 PM all the laundry done. Got about half of my "honey do" list done...of course, April's not forcing me to do shit while she's gone. I just thought it would be nice to knock a lot of stuff out while she's out of town, so I made my own "honey do" list. Going to see a few local bands tonight, then Heaven & Hell tomorrow. Fuck yeah!

monster 09-22-2007 10:45 PM

No soccer games this weekend -I think everyone stayed home to eat scottish breakfast =Yummy Kippers or something.

So Beest and I did some stripping on the deck in the dark.

And it's my birthday tomorrow. I'm going to throw a pot.

snozzberries 09-23-2007 12:56 AM

I went hiking today and didn't fall down! not even once!

This is a great feat for my clumsy ass.

Trilby 09-23-2007 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 388119)
...I'm going to throw a pot.

Um. What does 'throw a pot' mean, exactly?

Is it like this:


"Hand me down that can o' beans, hand me down that can o' beans, hand me down that can o' beans, I'm throwin' it away! Out the window go the beans, out the window go the beans, out the window go the beans, I had a lucky day! Mary, M-M-M-Mary, my sweet canary, I'm gonna take you out tonight!!


Razzmatazz13 09-23-2007 06:41 PM

So I was doing my cashier thing..and an old guy walks up to my counter as I grab my scanny gun thingie...he did the whole "hands up so you don't shoot" I pointed it at him and he goes..

"Don't tase me bro!"

I kid you not. Best. Customer. Everrrrrr.

monster 09-23-2007 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 388211)
Um. What does 'throw a pot' mean, exactly?

Make a bowl on a potters wheel.

I threw three, actually, and they were only slightly wonky. It's been a few years.

monster 09-23-2007 10:55 PM

Oh and beest gave me a little head for my birthday.

(It's a little skeletal and in a cage with glowing eyes)

Griff 09-24-2007 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Razzmatazz13 (Post 388267)
I kid you not. Best. Customer. Everrrrrr.


BigV 09-24-2007 10:46 AM

A shower.

Bonus: happiness radius + 3, + 6 downwind.

theotherguy 09-24-2007 10:56 AM

Fixed my hole.

OK, you can start now.

BigV 09-24-2007 10:59 AM

That's a relief.

I've engaged in hand to hand combat with sewer plumbing before--it is not pretty. I have come to the rationalization that in *this* case, I have more money than time. Congratulations!

Clodfobble 09-24-2007 05:20 PM

Everything is okay with Teenyfob! I've been referred to a specialist, but supposedly under his watchful eye things should stay fine. Things are much less stressed in the fob household today.

glatt 09-24-2007 05:35 PM


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