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fargon 01-24-2015 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 920146)
15 miles of downhill skiing today. still buzzing

Pix I want pix, and I want them now!

Griff 01-24-2015 05:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Pete and I didn't mess around with pix much today but here you go.

Griff 01-24-2015 05:37 PM

whoops! :)

Clodfobble 01-24-2015 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by chrisinhouston
I took it to one near my and the adjuster said they couldn't repair the roof rack as it wasn't original equipment but did notice a dent in my roof and some scratches and some of plastic trim was cracked. I didn't say anything but that happened last year while I was off roading!

Alright, look... not to shit on your happy moment, but I'm feeling gnarly today. This is not the first time you've gleefully posted about scamming/screwing a company out of money, and it bugs me. I remember another time, you owed a debt on a credit card and you decided they hadn't tried hard enough to contact you about it in a timely manner so fuck 'em, you weren't gonna pay it even though you freely admitted that you owed the money. I mean it's not like you and your wife are destitute and need the cash for food--you do nothing but travel the world, buy super-expensive electronics, and visit with the grandkids.

I like you, and it bugs me when I see my friends acting like dicks to third parties.

xoxoxoBruce 01-24-2015 06:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Griff (Post 920154)
whoops! :)

classicman 01-25-2015 03:05 PM

Not that exciting to others, BUT it is to us.

We had an issue with the pole we bought for the bird feeders. Although things seemed to be going well with out $20 special, last night or this am something happened and we found it broken in the yard along with a TON of spilled seed and two broken feeders. :(

So we took a ride to Wild Birds Unlimited and we bought a nice new fancy shmancy one.
It will likely outlast me! lol

infinite monkey 01-27-2015 05:53 PM

I got a yob!

I don't want to get into details, because I'm still afraid I'll jinx it until I start, but suffice to say it's a really great job (the pay ain't huge, but the people I'll be working for and with are amazing) in the public sector and I think I'm going to be very happy.

Oh, and I start on Thursday. :) I could have waited until monday but I'm like "no, let's get me going this week if you want" and they agreed. It's just part time but it's a huge doorway (I mean that in two senses: the job is a huge doorway to a happy life and opportunities within the place, and the building I will be working in is one of my favorite and one of the oldest buildings nearby besides the library and has those huge beautiful carved wooden doorways that extend almost to the five thousand foot ceilings which is fifteen thousand feet if you count all three floors...but I exaggerate about the ceilings because I have no concept of height or distance or

Anyway, I'm really happy and I'm still in shock because I just found out this morning. It's been a long time and a lot of hard roads since I left minor hell then major hell, and then went through the worst kind of hell losing my favorite person on earth but I'm glad I got to be there for her, and I kept getting so close to yobs when I really started looking again, some that maybe would have made me some good money, maybe had some good and bad aspects...and I kept getting disappointed. I'm very lucky and very happy and I cannot wait to start! So I know most don't believe we get what we need when we need it but I'm really thinking that's what happened here. I'll keep you posted. ;)

classicman 01-27-2015 06:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey ...

Clodfobble 01-27-2015 06:33 PM


infinite monkey 01-27-2015 07:13 PM

Thanks classic and clod! :)

Griff 01-27-2015 07:48 PM


glatt 01-27-2015 08:27 PM



infinite monkey 01-27-2015 08:28 PM

Could you all BE any more cool?


fargon 01-27-2015 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 920269)

So we took a ride to Wild Birds Unlimited and we bought a nice new fancy shmancy one.
It will likely outlast me! lol

We get all of our bird feeding paraphinalia (sp) from WBU. You get what you pay for.

BigV 01-27-2015 10:00 PM

I'm so happy to hear this news infinite monkey~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!

God, I hope you're contagious. I have a half dozen active applications, any one of which would fit me like you say yours fits you.

Such good happy wonderful news, WTG! CONGRATULATIONS a thousand times over!

BigV 01-27-2015 10:03 PM

I came here to post about what's making me happy just right now... and was pleasantly surprised by im's post.


what's making me happy right now is listening to Pandora, my Tom Lehrer Radio station. sooo funny, so smart. Tom Lehrer, Monty Python, Jonathan Coulton, and Pete Seeger, Weird Al Jankovick, just laffs and smiles. I have the house to myself for a couple hours, and I've got it turned up loud. fun, fun, fun!

DanaC 01-28-2015 01:44 AM

Awesome news Infi!

limey 01-28-2015 05:19 AM

Late to the party but YAAAY INFI all the way from Tajikistan!

Sent by thought transference

infinite monkey 01-28-2015 08:05 AM

Thanks! :)

monster 01-28-2015 08:16 AM

Yay info! All the way from Nashville!

monster 01-28-2015 08:18 AM

Also my first post ever from my stupid smartphone

infinite monkey 01-28-2015 10:07 AM

Heeeheeee, I'm honored!



How's it going in The Village of Nash? I've been there, and I'll tell you what, it's almost impossible to find a place to get a beer. Have fun!

monster 01-28-2015 05:50 PM

only visited the airport briefly :) Now in St Louis. am knackered. left at 5, flew here, then put in a full day. Sorry about the typo, probably the stupid fucking autocorrect, infortunate monkey

Should go to bed right now, but the hotel they have me in has a happy hour....... .....that involves me getting three free drinks! It would be so rude not to....

fargon 01-28-2015 06:08 PM

YAY IM, i'm so happy for you. Good Luck and congratulations on your first day.

infinite monkey 01-28-2015 07:09 PM

monster...I was confused that you were in TN and I knew you were going to St Louie! Yes, have the three drinks. Why not? Have a little fun, you deserve it.

Thanks fargon! I'm really excited. I have my clothes all ready to go and I'm going to check early to make sure I don't have something crazy happen, like a flat tire or something. Oh, and another good thing... I basically drive down the county highway which is next to my front yard, and end up a few blocks away from my job in the town where I'll be working, seven miles away.

I'm not driving to the gates of hell, the armpit of Ohio, the cesspool of a big city, like my last job. Yay!

monster 01-28-2015 07:11 PM

I R so excited for u, Info :D good luck!

infinite monkey 01-28-2015 07:16 PM

Tanks! :)

footfootfoot 01-29-2015 12:22 PM

A man wakes up one morning with the mother of all hangovers. He opens his eyes, and on the nightstand he sees a glass of water, an aspirin, a rose and a note saying, Honey, breakfast is ready, I love you. Hugs and kisses, your wife.

Not remembering a thing about the night before, he walks to the kitchen and sees his son at the breakfast table and asks him about what had happened last night. The son says, "Well, you came home and were completely hammered, tripped on the coffee table and smashed it to pieces, then you barfed in the hallway, peed all over the carpet, got into a scuffle with mom and then you went to bed. Then, when she started to pull off your pants, you screamed, "Get away from me, bitch, I'm married!"


Lamplighter 01-29-2015 02:21 PM


infinite monkey 01-29-2015 06:46 PM

My first day was fantastic! I really like the way things work there. I really like the woman who runs the office (I'm basically her helper and she's been doing it alone for a while. We get along great!) I got to talk to a handful of clients (unusually slow day) and I already know that my assertion that my experience in CCs has taught me how to communicate with just about anyone was absolutely correct.

And, because I'm weird, I love paperwork and I got to work a file from the beginning (including speaking with the person and making the file) and all the steps that need to happen to make sure everyone is where they need to be and informed...I'll remember this file when it goes to 'closed.' It's like putting together a puzzle and making sure it all fits together.

I'm incredibly happy. And I can't imagine working with a nicer group of people. Nobody is trying to put one over on anyone. No one is climbing any kind of invisible ladder.

I can't stop occasionally going 'YEAH!' just out of the blue by myself. :D

fargon 01-29-2015 06:58 PM

YEAH!, good for you IM.

glatt 01-29-2015 07:07 PM

I'm really happy for you Infi! That's really cool. Makes me happy to read.

classicman 01-29-2015 07:31 PM

That is absolutely wonderful. So happy for you. YAY!

monster 01-29-2015 09:00 PM

So happy to read this :)

DanaC 01-30-2015 05:01 AM

Oh that's just made my day! Fucking awesome Infi. You totally deserve this break

Griff 01-30-2015 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 920703)

A man wakes up one morning with the mother of all hangovers. He opens his eyes, and on the nightstand he sees a glass of water, an aspirin, a rose and a note saying, Honey, breakfast is ready, I love you. Hugs and kisses, your wife.

Not remembering a thing about the night before, he walks to the kitchen and sees his son at the breakfast table and asks him about what had happened last night. The son says, "Well, you came home and were completely hammered, tripped on the coffee table and smashed it to pieces, then you barfed in the hallway, peed all over the carpet, got into a scuffle with mom and then you went to bed. Then, when she started to pull off your pants, you screamed, "Get away from me, bitch, I'm married!"


Nice one!


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 920740)
My first day was fantastic! I really like the way things work there. I really like the woman who runs the office (I'm basically her helper and she's been doing it alone for a while. We get along great!) I got to talk to a handful of clients (unusually slow day) and I already know that my assertion that my experience in CCs has taught me how to communicate with just about anyone was absolutely correct.

And, because I'm weird, I love paperwork and I got to work a file from the beginning (including speaking with the person and making the file) and all the steps that need to happen to make sure everyone is where they need to be and informed...I'll remember this file when it goes to 'closed.' It's like putting together a puzzle and making sure it all fits together.

I'm incredibly happy. And I can't imagine working with a nicer group of people. Nobody is trying to put one over on anyone. No one is climbing any kind of invisible ladder.

I can't stop occasionally going 'YEAH!' just out of the blue by myself. :D


BigV 01-30-2015 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 920703)

A man wakes up one morning with the mother of all hangovers. He opens his eyes, and on the nightstand he sees a glass of water, an aspirin, a rose and a note saying, Honey, breakfast is ready, I love you. Hugs and kisses, your wife.

Not remembering a thing about the night before, he walks to the kitchen and sees his son at the breakfast table and asks him about what had happened last night. The son says, "Well, you came home and were completely hammered, tripped on the coffee table and smashed it to pieces, then you barfed in the hallway, peed all over the carpet, got into a scuffle with mom and then you went to bed. Then, when she started to pull off your pants, you screamed, "Get away from me, bitch, I'm married!"


Not sure if this is the guy, but they're drinking the same kool-aid!

infinite monkey 01-31-2015 09:47 AM

Just a quick 'thanks again' to all the well-wishers!

orthodoc 01-31-2015 10:10 AM

Been away all week and missed your news, but so glad to hear of it, Infi! And fantastic that your start has gone well and you're enjoying the job ... way to go! :cheerldr:

infinite monkey 01-31-2015 11:00 AM

Thank you!

orthodoc 01-31-2015 06:47 PM

Not to drift the thread, but ... I am SO happy today after reclaiming my loom, spinning wheel, cutting table, and almost all ancillary equipment, and getting them set up in a spare room in an organized way. The room has north light, so is great for any type of art, and it was originally designed with a fiber studio in mind. There's storage and some bookshelves for my fiber books. I have to get rid of a cat-scratched loveseat to get my sewing machine and serger back in place, but they can wait a week or two.

The important thing is, I have dug out and organized all my fiber arts stuff, reassembled it, oiled it, repaired it etc., and am ready to get all creative again. And I just put in an order for materials to get me going on a couple of projects. I started out weaving all sorts of things, just to try different techniques and materials, and I'm still going to explore that - going to try a new technique in one project. But I found I do love making larger pieces, throws and blankets, with interesting weave patterns and fibers. I can get wool that's produced here in the US, and I can spin silk/wool combination yarn for weft that will let me try some new things ... so I'm stoked.

Being the introvert that I am, spending time banging out a new pattern on the loom is centering and satisfying. I suspect it will keep me sane in between weeks of stupidity at work.

It was also calming and happy-making to find, organize, and photograph a few of the things I sewed for the kids over the years - costumes and the odd sundress and christening dress. I wish I'd photographed everything I made back then - I sent many homemade dresses/hats/playsuits off to my sister for nieces to wear without recording them. However, I have a few things left. The medieval gown that laces up the back, with lined angel sleeves etc., would almost fit me. Not that I'm into medieval stuff, but it's a pretty dress.

All of which is to say that it's probably a wise and helpful thing to occasionally take stock of things you've done/accomplished, and record them in some way. It's good for perspective.

xoxoxoBruce 01-31-2015 07:06 PM

Do you think you'll have all of our costumes ready for our maypole dance and virgin sacrifice? :haha:

Glad to hear you're carpe-ing your deim. Go get 'em, tiger.

orthodoc 01-31-2015 07:51 PM

For Mayday? No problem. ;)

Tigers do best alone ... I roared at husband who returned from a day playing and enjoying himself, only to criticize me ... he is now off licking his wounds. You're right, he does need a sharp reminder at times that he's crossed a boundary.

I'm watching the GOT trailer, reading my IME material, sipping a single malt, and giving no further fucks tonight.

limey 02-01-2015 03:15 AM

This is excellent news, Ortho! Creating stuff is so important for the soul and one's sanity. X

Sent by thought transference

classicman 02-01-2015 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 920942)
For Mayday? No problem. ;)
... husband who returned from a day playing and enjoying himself ... he is now off licking his wounds. You're right, he does need a sharp reminder at times that he's crossed a boundary.

Thanks for that mental image. I lol'd. ;) :eyebrow:

Nirvana 02-01-2015 05:03 PM

Doin' the Ren and Stimpy Happy Happy Joy Joy song, for you Infi :D

glatt 02-05-2015 09:08 AM

My wife just did our taxes (and I'll go back over it myself when I get a chance) and were' getting $1 back from the feds.

For years we have either owed hundreds or have gotten hundreds back, and I made an effort last year to calculate and change my withholdings to get it closer to being on target. I'm pretty pleased with myself that it's within a buck of being accurate.

Clodfobble 02-05-2015 09:24 AM

Nice! It would be funny (well, not for you, but still) if that were a red flag in someone's audit algorithm, that being so balls-on expected with the numbers is like standing a little too nonchalantly near the crime scene.

glatt 02-05-2015 09:26 AM


xoxoxoBruce 02-05-2015 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 921206)
My wife just did our taxes (and I'll go back over it myself when I get a chance)...


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 921209)
Nice! It would be funny (well, not for you, but still) if that were a red flag in someone's audit algorithm, that being so balls-on expected with the numbers is like standing a little too nonchalantly near the crime scene.

You're right about suspicions. December 31st the electric company changed my meter, so the guy took a manual reading to be added to the reading from the new meter. I get the bill and there's all this paperwork dancing around this meter and why I have to pay for it. It all this bullshit they use the example of the average household using 500 kwh. I look at the bill and it's for exactly 500.0 kwh, which I've never even been close to in 35 years. Red flags waving frantically in my head. :haha:

infinite monkey 02-28-2015 06:47 PM

Our electric rates went up, and apparently I missed the town meeting that was broadcast on the local cable because everyone was talking about it and people were bringing pitchforks. Good for them.

But what's making me happy today is what sustains me when I hate myself and my family.

I'm currently at my brother and sis-in-law's house, have been here since Tuesday, dog-sitting. They drove to FL to see my nephew get his wings as a heli pilot in the Marines. He will be flying Hueys and will be stationed in SD (where, as you have probably heard, the weather sucks. ;) )

I love my brothers and my sisters-in-law and my nieces and nephews. I especially love my dad, who has risen to the occasion after losing the love of his life (and the best mom I could have ever asked for) and I'm just so goddamn proud of them all. I'm the worst of them and I'm not even in prison or anything. :o

When things get bad my family sustains me. You've heard this before. But some things cannot be said enough.

monster 02-28-2015 07:46 PM

yay munkie! just keep on keeping on -I'm proud of you and you being happy makes me happy.

infinite monkey 03-01-2015 07:14 AM

Thanks monster! I appreciate that so much.

It's an effort sometimes to try to be happy...or to remember why I should be, anyway. I feel the negativity and the worry sneaking up on me. I try to use the cognitive behavior stuff techniques and it works but it sure is hard to do sometimes. Hey, what's that behind me, tapping me on the shoulder? Gloom! Doom! Despair! Flood! Fire! Famine!

Look at the flowers, Lizzie. (bonus points for those who get this reference.)

glatt 03-01-2015 07:59 AM

Glad you're feeling happy, infi. You've got a great family. Don't forget you're part of that greatness.

Gravdigr 03-01-2015 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 922717)
Look at the flowers, Lizzie. (bonus points for those who get this reference.)

'Black List'?

Reminds me of Ulysses Everett McGill:


Think of the...lillies of the goddamn field.

Gravdigr 03-01-2015 03:23 PM

Heh, nevermind, got impatient, and looked it up.


chrisinhouston 03-01-2015 04:11 PM

I just ordered a new Canon DSLR and got a really good price. I recently sold some older camera stuff on Ebay and had been watching the prices on the new Canon EOS 7D MkII which is especially geared towards sports, action and wildlife as it is an APC sensor (1.6 factor) and can shoot at up to 10 frames per second. I have around $1900 in my Paypal account and I try to be as cost neutral as possible when I add to my gear.

The body has been selling at $1799 but I looked today and Canon dropped the price to $1699. I did some searches and found a website I was not familiar with called CanonPriceWatch and was able to get a new body from a dealer in Canada for $1499 with free shipping and no taxes or fees. CanonPriceWatch got stellar ratings at several photograpy blogs so I felt ok with them.

I will have more then enough to buy a 65gb cf card and the battery grip. :cool:

Gravdigr 03-02-2015 04:38 PM


65gb cf card
Compact flash card? I didn't know they still made those. That's what my first digital camera used, almost 20 years ago. With the larger form factor, though, they probably got big gigs before the other, smaller, cards did, now that I think about it.

chrisinhouston 03-02-2015 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 922812)
Compact flash card? I didn't know they still made those. That's what my first digital camera used, almost 20 years ago. With the larger form factor, though, they probably got big gigs before the other, smaller, cards did, now that I think about it.

This body takes SD cards as well as CF cards like the more high end DSLR bodies. You can choose to write different files to different cards, like Jpegs to one and Raw to the other.

This from a webpage on the subject as I had to look up the advantages:

Secure Digital memory cards are significantly smaller than CompactFlash cards, and are equipped with a nine-pin interface as compared to the 50-pin interface of the CompactFlash. The result of having fewer interface pins means that the SD cards are limited to a four-bit data bus, whereas CompactFlash cards have a 16-bit data transfer bus. Another major difference between these two types of memory cards is the absence of a microcontroller in SD memory cards. This puts more of a load on the host device.

elSicomoro 03-14-2015 04:27 PM

Roadtrip begins on Thursday: Chicago, Albuquerque, Denver, Cheyenne, western KS. Good times!

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