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Aliantha 03-09-2016 12:13 AM

Max mowed the grass today. It was pretty impressive. The best part was that he really wanted to do it. In fact I got annoyed with him for bugging me about it and finally relented.

He did a good job.

infinite monkey 03-11-2016 07:43 AM

My best friend in all the land (i.e. the person who knows me better than anyone, besides my mom who I miss so much every day ) bought me a laptop that I didn't ask for or even wish for (mine having gone missing when my car was stolen last summer.)

This means I can go to the library and do job hunting (maybe get just one of normal job to replace my weirdly houred rwo jobs ) or even just relax at a table with my own stuff. I've been given the gift of more self-sufficiency at the hands of someone else's sufficiency.

It is nice to be loved in spite of self-loathing. Who would have thought? :)

infinite monkey 03-11-2016 07:53 AM

I may even find a way to afford interwebz again. Without having to live in a house full of doles. Working hard may be its own reward after all!

monster 03-11-2016 08:07 AM

^this makes me happy too :)

fargon 03-11-2016 08:08 AM

All of this makes me Happy.

infinite monkey 03-11-2016 10:39 AM

Thanks monster and fargon. :)

Sundae 03-12-2016 05:02 AM

Infi, you deserve it.

I was reading some of the posts about Claudette just the other day. Not everyone can afford to share, but for those who can, and do it when the people they love are there to appreciate it, are magical.

Aliantha 03-14-2016 06:25 PM

It's Max's 7th birthday today. I'm happy about that, but I always think about what a difficult baby he was on his birthday. He was nearly the death of me. Literally. Lucky he's a smart, well natured child most of the time or i'd wonder why I did it (more often), haha

monster 03-14-2016 07:09 PM

I never have to go through Hector's road test again.

xoxoxoBruce 03-15-2016 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 955479)
It's Max's 7th birthday today. I'm happy about that, but I always think about what a difficult baby he was on his birthday. He was nearly the death of me. Literally. Lucky he's a smart, well natured child most of the time or i'd wonder why I did it (more often), haha


Originally Posted by monster (Post 955490)
I never have to go through Hector's road test again.

The next one will be easier. :bolt:

Griff 03-15-2016 06:20 AM

You better run!

Aliantha 03-15-2016 07:04 PM

Well obviously there's not going to be any next one for me. Not so true for monster though I guess. haha She still has one midget to go doesn't she?

monster 03-15-2016 08:10 PM

yebbut it's Thor :eek: :bolt:

That boy can get behind the wheel legally in July .......

monster 03-15-2016 08:15 PM

Sat at home anxiously as Hector drove them to Polo practice tonight. bad call in hindsight -his curfew is 10pm and they don't get out of the water til 9:30. He was so desperate to do it I didn't think it through. It's only a 10 minute drive, but Thor dawdles. can you hear the Jeopardy music in the background?

xoxoxoBruce 03-15-2016 08:28 PM

If he doesn't make it, at least you're aware of contributing circumstances, but he still might make it if he drives real fast. :haha:

monster 03-15-2016 09:10 PM

they're back

xoxoxoBruce 03-15-2016 09:13 PM

Is Thor unbruised and completely dressed? ;)

Griff 03-16-2016 06:02 AM

My youngest is road tripping this week in someone elses car.:thepain:

Gravdigr 03-16-2016 11:04 AM


What's making you happy today?
I gots no chillrens. Driving age, nor otherwise.


Sundae 03-17-2016 06:45 AM

But you got babbits and squirls.
Now that is enough to make anyone happy :)

Okay, steak and a blowjob might help, but sometimes you have to enjoy what you get.

For me, it was a very simple pleasure this morning.
I had my morning bottle of sippy-drink (Fresubin - prescribed to help my recovery, not doing anything for my waistline though!) and I thought it was lemon. The lemon one is yucky, but they gave me a lot of them. Assorted flavours? Hardly. I think it was a deliberate slight because I specified No Banana Flavour.

Anyway, sucked it up like the medicine it is, only to find when I stopped to draw breath that it was actually chocolate!
Nom nom nom. Was not left with a bad taste in my mouth.

Undertoad 03-19-2016 10:03 AM

Via glatt's earlier Springsteen posting and lj's followup of the beer chugging moment and my posting the 91-year-old fan he danced with... this hits just keep on coming, another great Springsteen moment occurred last night,

Bruce Springsteen gives 9-year-old fan the best tardy note ever


A young Bruce Springsteen fan got out of being late to class in the most rock ’n’ roll way possible — by getting a note signed by The Boss himself!

The 9-year-old devotee, Xabi Glovsky of Claremont, Calif., was at the singer’s sold-out show in Los Angeles Tuesday night with his dad, Scott Glovsky, when they caught the rocker’s eye with a homemade sign.

“Bruce, I will be late to school tomorrow. Please sign my note :),” their poster read.

And once the concert ended, that’s exactly what he did.

“Dear Ms. Jackson, Xabi has been out very late rocking & rolling. Please excuse him if he is tardy,” Springsteen scrawled on a piece of loose-leaf paper after he had security personnel escort the father-son duo backstage.

Griff 03-19-2016 12:51 PM

Bruce for the win.

xoxoxoBruce 03-19-2016 01:46 PM

Twist... Mr Jackson sues for possession of the note. :lol:

Why in hell would a parent hang Xabi on their kid?
I can see Xabi and Scott duking it out in the mud, the blood, and the beer.

Griff 03-19-2016 06:07 PM

To be fair, this same parent took him to a Springsteen concert.

xoxoxoBruce 03-19-2016 07:00 PM

Only out of guilt for saddling the kid with a name, nobody can pronounce or spell.
Or maybe couldn't get a sitter.
Or trying to top the ex-wife.
Or to help pick up chicks.
Or some other evil intent.

Gravdigr 03-20-2016 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 955823)
I can see Xabi and Scott duking it out in the mud, the blood, and the beer.

Excellent 'Boy Named Sue' reference. Outstanding, really.

Aliantha 03-20-2016 11:28 PM

I've worked really hard over the last couple of months and it's starting to pay off. Most of my weeks I'm taking around $1000 worth of orders or more. My target is $1500 steady by the end of the year, so it looks like it should be achievable. This is because I am asking a bit more for most of my cakes, and also because I'm producing more intricate styles which allow me to ask a premium price. Ideally, I'd like to get to a stage where I only have 3 or 4 orders each week, but they're all worth about $500. At the moment, I do probably 7 or 8 orders per week with only one being in the price range I'm targeting. This means a lot of remembering to order bits and pieces from my suppliers etc. Obviously with only 3 or 4 designs to think about, there's a lot less running around, which leads to more profit. It's been a good first quarter though, and my business account is starting to look good. I'm hopeful it will be good enough to allow me to buy a new (second hand) car for work before long.

I'm mostly happy that I don't have any orders this week, so I get to have a breather over the easter break. :)

xoxoxoBruce 03-21-2016 12:39 AM

What, no crucifixion, or Easter bunny cakes?

Aliantha 03-21-2016 01:01 AM

Nope. haha I will probably do some for the kids towards the end of the week, but nothing too fancy I don't think.

sexobon 03-21-2016 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 955898)
... My target is $1500 steady by the end of the year, so it looks like it should be achievable. ...

So your business plan is to let them eat cake, to bring in the bread, so you'll be rolling in dough. :3_eyes:

Aliantha 03-21-2016 02:48 AM

Not exactly rolling in it, but if I can get up to $1500 turn over per week, that will pay me a living wage over here. I appreciate the humour though. I wish I could cook up those kinds of jokes. They always seem to fall flat though.

Griff 03-21-2016 06:08 AM


She'll be here all week, try the cake.

Aliantha 03-22-2016 08:11 PM


Undertoad 04-08-2016 05:33 PM

Via glatt's Springsteen posting and the beer chugging moment and the 91-year-old fan he danced with... now this

Bruce Springsteen Cancels North Carolina Show Over Anti-LGBTQ Law

"Some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry—which is happening as I write—is one of them."

Pretty amazing that he cancelled two days out.

xoxoxoBruce 04-08-2016 06:48 PM


BigV 04-08-2016 10:55 PM


Someone explain to me how the government is trampling on some people's freedom of religion?

xoxoxoBruce 04-08-2016 11:08 PM

The government is trampling on my right to tell you what religion you must follow.

Griff 04-09-2016 08:58 AM

Just saw a "Libertarian" on bacefook complaining about Cuomo manning up for once and banning state government travel to NC.

classicman 04-16-2016 10:30 AM

How is this different than the bakers who were destroyed on social media and the news, charged, sued and forced to pay over $100,000 in fines?

Undertoad 04-16-2016 11:01 AM

On it's face, the bakers were taking a stand in favor of discrimination and Springsteen is taking a stand against it.


classicman 04-16-2016 01:12 PM

Nope - both were taking a stand on their beliefs.
Some agree with one and not the other. Two sides of the same coin.

Undertoad 04-16-2016 02:39 PM

So the bakers refused to serve anyone? Explain

monster 04-16-2016 02:49 PM

My girl is so hype to be playing Water Polo for U Mich this afternoon in B1G club championships. makes me happy. Got my Mich Kit and earrings on, about to leave......

DanaC 04-16-2016 06:10 PM

Exciting stuff Mon! Hope it goes well:)

monster 04-16-2016 06:13 PM

wiiiin! back again tomorrow for more!

xoxoxoBruce 04-16-2016 06:14 PM


classicman 04-17-2016 10:39 AM

Not here UT.

Undertoad 04-17-2016 05:50 PM

Why not? You posted it, I'm asking about it.

sexobon 04-17-2016 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 957648)
How is this different than the bakers who were destroyed on social media and the news, charged, sued and forced to pay over $100,000 in fines?


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 957654)
On it's face, the bakers were taking a stand in favor of discrimination and Springsteen is taking a stand against it.



Originally Posted by classicman (Post 957673)
Nope - both were taking a stand on their beliefs.
Some agree with one and not the other. Two sides of the same coin.


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 957679)
So the bakers refused to serve anyone? Explain


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 957737)
Not here UT.


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 957771)
Why not? You posted it, I'm asking about it.

Maybe because THIS IS THE "WHAT'S MAKING YOU HAPPY TODAY" THREAD and your questions aren't making him happy anymore! Try going back and putting some smilies in your posts; or, starting a "What's making you unhappy today" thread for your questions.

Sheesh, some people, he acts like he owns the place or somethin'. :p:

xoxoxoBruce 04-17-2016 07:32 PM

Yeah, some nerve, everybody knows "Bob" Dobbs owns it. :yesnod:

monster 04-17-2016 08:47 PM

I thought Zanthrax owned it

DanaC 04-18-2016 03:13 PM

Three days into a 10 day course of antibiotics and strong steroid ointment, and I am feeling better than I have felt in months.

Gravdigr 04-18-2016 03:39 PM


DanaC 04-18-2016 03:47 PM

yeah...and that too :P

Gravdigr 04-18-2016 04:11 PM

"I get the eateez from my weedies!"

infinite monkey 05-28-2016 03:29 PM

I got a funny card from a nice lady today. Made my day. Thanks sundae.

I don't really deserve the kindness, but somehow she makes you feel like you do.

Carruthers, could you pm me a mailing address for her? I'm not sure I have a recent one.

DanaC 05-28-2016 03:45 PM


I don't really deserve the kindness
Stop it! You do so deserve kindness. Unless you've been killing people and burying them under a patio (hobos excepted) without telling us, I see no reason why you wouldn't deserve kindness and friendship. You're a lovely woman, with a good heart, a wicked sense of humour and a metric fuckton of good stuff to offer the world. I'm glad to call you friend, and I know Sundae is too.

I know it's hard for you to accept - but we like you. You're one of us.

[sinister chanting]One of us!
One of us!
[/sinister chanting]

Carruthers 05-28-2016 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 961226)

Carruthers, could you pm me a mailing address for her? I'm not sure I have a recent one.

Of course!

It's a bit late here and I'm on my iPad which isn't the most convenient piece of kit.

I'll fire up the PC and send the info first thing in the morning. :thumb:

xoxoxoBruce 05-28-2016 05:05 PM

On Wednesday I wrote the last 2 checks in my checkbook.
On Thursday I open the safe and guess what, no more checks... dumbass mumble mumble.
Thursday afternoon I ordered checks online, opting for 4 day UPS delivery because of this 3 day weekend.
Saturday I get an email from Deluxe saying my checks had been shipped and expect delivery on Thursday the 2nd.
But when I clicked on the UPS link to verify the date, it said delivered on Friday... yesterday.
That's crazy impossible, but sure enough, they were in the front door.
God, I love UPS. :heartpump

Nothing like my FexEx experience last week, which sure the fuck can't go in this thread. :mad:

DanaC 07-07-2016 04:47 AM

I've been offered a job, subject to pre-employment checks. I'm looking forward to it though it's something of a sidestep as far as career goes - not into academia, but into another customer service role. I am also a tad nervous about how I'll cope with the hours - it's 35 hours a week, but it's a shift rotation between 8am and 8pm. On the other hand, it's a half hour journey to work rather than 2 to 2.5 hours! So I'll be exchanging the 12-14 hours a week I currently travel for my part-time job, for 5 hours a week for the full time job. So, in truth I'm only adding about 10-12 hours a week out of my house.

It looks like it might at times be quite hectic and stressed. It also looks like it might at times be fun and rewarding. I'll be working as a claims handler for an insurance company.

Assuming all the pre-employment checks go ok, I have a 1st August start date. First four weeks are training. I gave my notice at my current job yesterday. Bit sad, but also quite excited.

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