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morethanpretty 03-12-2011 10:04 PM

My individual health deductible is only $2500, I thought it was going to be $5000. Another $800 about and I'll meet that obligation, then I go to a 80/20 split. Whew! Finally have a surgery date. May 17. I'm ready to get this over with!

DanaC 03-13-2011 09:54 AM

What's making me happy is actually something that happned last week. But I keep getting a little buzz from the memory ;p

My birthday pressie from J was two tickets to see Richard Herring's new standup show: Christ on a Bike. So, last Thursday off we went to Bradford Alhambra's studio theatre to see Herring. Wow. What a night. That man is so funny. I literally pulled a muscle in my abdomen I laughed so hard.

As it was in the studio, it was quite an intimate venue, and J and I were sat front and centre. No stage, just an open area in front of the seating. I could practically have touched him. I didn't. That would have been a stalkerish move. But I did go and get a signed copy of his 'coming of age' memoir, How Not to Grow Up.

Quickfire points about the night:

I saw the two empty seats at the front and made a beeline for them. Only after we'd been sitting there for a few minutes and all other seats begun to fill did J suggest that the reason the seats had been empty is because anybody sitting there is gonna get picked on...

So, in light of Herring's new messiah persona, he decided he needed some disciples. Asks J:

'You'll be my disciple won't you sir? What's your name?

J answers: 'Judah'

long pause

Herring: 'Are you lying?'

J: 'Nope'

Herring: ... 'ok. Well, (echoes an earlier point about 'Peter who was named Simon') I'm renaming you anyway: Judah who was named Trevor.'

'So, Trev, what do you do for a living?'

Trev: 'I teach at XXXX University'

Herring: 'Great what do you teach?

Trev: 'Computer Games'

Long pause...

I can't recall exactly what was said after that. I do recall my opinion being sought regarding coveting an ox, and whether or not that was worse than bumming it. Oh, and something about a small anointment.

It loses something in the translation...

Anyway. Very funny.

I loved every minute of it. best Birthday pressie in years. I've been a fan of Herring since he first started out, back when it was him and Stewart Lee doing a double act. But have never seen him live til now.

For the uninitiated, here's a clip of Richard Herring from 2009: oh, prolly should stick a nsfw warning on this

Shawnee123 03-15-2011 08:37 AM

My cow orker came over and apologized. I kept looking for a sign that it was an approachable situation, and I wasn't getting those signals. I, of course, apologized too. We've both been going through a lot. It just really really bothered me. We had a work hug and reaffirmed our buddiness.

Roses and angels in the world...gotta watch for them.

glatt 03-15-2011 08:40 AM


footfootfoot 03-16-2011 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 716503)

that was hilarious.
"my enemy is his own worst enemy..."
"get some purchase..."

Sundae 03-17-2011 04:46 PM

Liked it, Dana.
Bordering on typecasting for male homosexuals though. He was completely right in his portrayal of anal sex (male-male or male-female) but that's not the be-all and end-all of gay sex. I'd also have liked him to parody the reality of hetero sex, especially with inexperienced partners/ one night stands. That would have felt less Us and Them to me.

But I did grin widely at the fact he was floored by J's responses. I mean, what are the odds? Sounds like he coped well though. And what a fantastic birthday present! I am beginning to understand your relationship with J better now.

I am happy because I get to see the DC this weekend.
The DC being DanaC of course.
No idea why I came over all old-skool.

But also happy because I've had such a wonderful week with the cub. Without wanting to be too negative, it can't last. I'm currently working on concepts in language which he can easily grasp and then transfer into general conversation after practise. I expect there will have to be a time when we start working on social issues, and the4re will be more conflict.

I'm still very positive though, because we have established a rapport, and I think I am beginning to understand his brand of logic.

DanaC 03-17-2011 04:56 PM

Your work with the cub sounds awesome Sundae.

On the homosexuality thing: he was specificallyreferring to childhood signals and their anatomical oddities. His comic persona is basically a huge perv. Monumental perv. Animal, vegetable or mineral.

Talking of J and I being friends. Don't know if I posted it here, but last month was 21 years since we first met. 13 years as partners, and another 8 years as bezzy mates. *smiles*

Oh, and just to drop back to Herring. Did I mention I was close enough to see his eyes? He has gorgeous eyes. Fascinating in interview as well. Very clever guy.

Anyways: yey for the upcoming weekend of fun. Oh, and I have a little something to smoke too :p Nothing too fancy, not the good stuff...I know a friendly farmer who passes me the chaff so to speak.

Sundae 03-17-2011 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 717168)
On the homosexuality thing: he was specificallyreferring to childhood signals and their anatomical oddities. His comic persona is basically a huge perv. Monumental perv. Animal, vegetable or mineral.

Ta. I've not seen enough of him to know that. Anything with a poctcode?

Oh, and just to drop back to Herring. Did I mention I was close enough to see his eyes? He has gorgeous eyes.
In a completely natural way, I'd like to say Tiger has astounding eyes too. They are not dissimilar to the colour of Diz's eyes. He is getting better and better with eye contact with me, so I see his peepers more often now.

Anyways: yey for the upcoming weekend of fun.
But do get some earplugs chick.
In that sitch I am the Amazing Snoring Woman.

Looking forward lots & lots.

zippyt 03-20-2011 12:00 AM

I was watering the Spargoose bed this afternoon , and Look what I saw ,
DSCF7105 by zippyt, on Flickr
Then another , and another , and another , and WOW They are Sproutn All Over the Place !!!
DSCF7109 by zippyt, on Flickr

Aliantha 03-20-2011 12:23 AM

I love fresh sparra grass!

btw, I signed in to comment on your post Zippy, and I put my password as yumm, which of course is not it, and didn't work. lol

zippyt 03-20-2011 12:38 AM

I gotz To many Boobie Pix , Flicker made my account restricted ,
The Bastiges !!

Griff 03-20-2011 08:36 AM

You're making me very angry with your early asparagus.

Clodfobble 03-20-2011 08:50 AM

Someone told me once that asparagus takes three years before it actually produces an above-the-surface plant. Is that even remotely true?

Trilby 03-20-2011 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 717621)
Someone told me once that asparagus takes three years before it actually produces an above-the-surface plant. Is that even remotely true?

I heard that too - just a few days ago!

footfootfoot 03-20-2011 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 717621)
Someone told me once that asparagus takes three years before it actually produces an above-the-surface plant. Is that even remotely true?

It's more than remotely true, it's proximally true. From seed it is 3 years and then your harvest window is short. If you over harvest you'll kill the plant. Most people start by buying "crowns" that are a year or two old. after several years the asparagus stand should be vigorous and enable several weeks of harvesting.

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