The Cellar

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Aliantha 10-22-2007 10:12 PM

Our new mattress arrived for our bed today.

Also, the new kitten is settling in to our household nicely.

Also, I made an excellent sling in the cat cage for the cats to sleep in now they need more room.

Clodfobble 10-23-2007 11:22 AM

First cold front of the year!! Woo! I actually got to turn on the heater last night!

Sundae 10-23-2007 01:01 PM

We've also had a run of glorious weather. Cool, still and bright - heart-stoppingly beautiful Autumn days.

DanaC 10-23-2007 01:04 PM

Yeah. It's been lovely in the valley. Wish I'd taken my camera today.

freshnesschronic 10-23-2007 01:18 PM

Hey Cloud, "What's making you happy today?" is currently losing to your "What's making you upset today?" 724 to 749.

Makes me think we need that 70s Coca-cola commercial where they're all singing, holding hands and spreading love....and coke.
I can't find the youtube!

Crimson Ghost 10-23-2007 02:24 PM

Today (10/23/07) is my 14th wedding anniversary.

DanaC 10-23-2007 02:55 PM

Wahaay! Congrats CG!

Clodfobble 10-23-2007 03:17 PM

Cool, CG! Make sure you remember to bring her some flowers or something. ;)

HungLikeJesus 10-23-2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by freshnesschronic (Post 398585)
Hey Cloud, "What's making you happy today?" is currently losing to your "What's making you upset today?" 724 to 749.


That's true, and I've been looking at those numbers for a while as a means to judge the mood of the Cellar. But to be a truly valuable indicator, you would need to know the number of original posts in each thread, not the total number of posts.

I think that you would find a higher number of response posts in the "What's making you upset today?" thread, (e.g. Poster 1 says "I've contracted an STD" and Posters 2, 3, and 4 respond to say, "That's too bad," "I had that a few times," and "I'm going to disinfect my keyboard now.")

When someone posts in the "Happy" thread, it just makes most of the others jealous.

ZenGum 10-24-2007 01:29 PM

I saw the "hall of fame" thread for the first time. There are some really good comments in there ... and someone has posted one of my comments there too! Cor gee shucks. :D
Thanks Crimson Ghost! And happy anniversary, too!

Crimson Ghost 10-24-2007 03:09 PM

Thank you, DanaC, Clodfobble, and ZenGum.

We had a nice, romantic night.

BTW, you're welcome, ZenGum.

bluecuracao 10-26-2007 07:21 PM

It's rainy and dreary outside, but I'm sitting inside in snuggly pajamas, sipping a glass of wine, while MB is cooking up a delicious-smelling dinner. Only thing missing is the cat, who ought to be sitting on my desk...where is that li'l fucker, I wonder...

Crimson Ghost 10-26-2007 07:56 PM

MB is cooking and the cat is missing......

Uh oh....

BigV 10-26-2007 08:00 PM


DanaC 10-26-2007 08:04 PM

*smiles* been a tough day. The toughest of the last few weeks. Last minute blocking tactics; region dragged into it in an attempt to subvert the committee's democratic processes; phone calls back and forth and the support of a key member wavering with the possibility of voting against. Ate breakfast, brought it straight back up. Spoke to the Secretary and made to feel like I was breaking the party frivolously, attention shifting away from the intimidation and bullying and onto my actions (always happens, should have seen it coming really). Today I considered leaving the Party. For this comrade to say he may vote against...that rocked me. Upset and angry, I was literally shaking.

But hey...this the happy thread. He came round. They (I don't quite know why) didn't get all the delegates to the meeting. We, however, did. Someone I spoke to, who I was wary of approaching came to the meeting. (sometimes the better result is that they will stay away, because if they attend they could swing either way and blow the vote: usually this will be a semi inactive member.) I thought that they would do what they usually do if there's going to be a firefight...dredge up members who don't really know the background, do a total character assassination on me, or whoever's put their head above the parapet, and get them to vote their way. because these people don't really seek to be that active, they are on my list as 'unaligned or rarely show'.

When you have 15-16 delegates on one side, 10-11 delegates on the other side and a list of 6 people who are either unswayable by either side (they decide on the night and it's pointless trying to persuade them to go one way or the other) or unlikely to come to a meeting, it's the 6 that could make or break it. So...quandary...someone who rarely shows and does his own thing when he to him, possibly resulting in him turning up, where he otherwise mightn't have with no way of knowing which way he'll vote?

Ahh politics. It is a strange world.

But...2 of the 6 I knew would not be there *crosses off two names*
1 of them I spoke to and he a) hadn't been contacted by them, and b) had forgotten about the meeting, but now I'd reminded him he was going to attend. So...if he's coming, I can't risk him hearing the (much reduced explanation of events as per advice from region) and making a decision against based on the first, least inflammatory email only. So..gave him some background, carefully avoiding bitching about the other guy or divulging the actual content of the emails....he said he'd support. Still wasn't 100% sure he would.

He did. He even spoke to the motion. Patted my arm and gave me a very sweet smile on the way out. Just goes to show...never can tell.

The motion was passed: 14 for, 4 against, 4 abstentions. The man I am complaining about had removed himself from the meeting and tried to suggest it was unprocedural for either of us to be in the room. His friends pushed for that. It wasn't unprocedural. I know, because i know the procedure, as does the Chair. Both can remain, both can be part of the discussion...both can vote. He left, I remained. He gave up his vote, I retained mine.

Everything they threw at us was an attempt to cast doubt on the procedural validity of what was being done. They don't know the procedure. The Chair however can cite the relevant rules and take them to the relevant pages in the rule book. Everything we'd done, had been done to the rules and, after their attempts to draw region in failed, with the permission and guidance of the correct regional official. More minor threats were made about the unfreindliness this would provoke, the effect on the next elections, etc ad nauseum. But those threats sound tame when most voices are in your favour.

I have no idea why his wife (whilst he was sulking downstairs) abstained from the vote...a hollow protest perhaps. He did himself few favours when the Secretary went downstairs to explain why he did have a right to be there and invite him back in...I don't know what the man was shouting at the secretary, but we could all but hear him frothing at the mouth.

The only really unsettling part of the meeting after that, was after the vote....when he was informed it had passed and returned to the room: as he passed by my seat he turned to glare at me, pausing to ...eyeball is the only word for it. The man looked insane. It was deliberate stare, of fury and and intent. For the first and only time during this whole affair, I felt physically threatened...just for a moment, til my brain kicked back in and reminded me we were in a room full of people. I have no doubt in my mind, had someone waved a magic wand and removed all the other people, at that moment he'd have kicked the living shit out of me. And the look was meant, entirely meant, to convey that. Not near, blind rage....cold, mad and intending to harm.

We buried the fucker. 2 meetings down...2 to go. I am happy tonight.

[eta] my apologies for the rather long and involved post. It's difficult to get across the intensity in fewer words.

bluecuracao 10-26-2007 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Crimson Ghost (Post 400193)
MB is cooking and the cat is missing......

Uh oh....

Oh cieling cat, forgive me...but dinner was so tasty.

Dana, I wonder if that freak practices in front of a mirror. ;)

DanaC 10-26-2007 08:40 PM

CG did you find the cat?

DanaC 10-26-2007 08:41 PM


Dana, I wonder if that freak practices in front of a mirror.
hahah now there's an image. I'll bear that in mind next time he does that.

bluecuracao 10-26-2007 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 400211)
CG did you find the cat?

He was talking about my cat, who did finally show up. MB fed me chicken, it turns out.

DanaC 10-26-2007 09:02 PM

ooooh. Sorry. I think I probably knew that and it got lost in my head.

monster 10-26-2007 09:32 PM

So Dana, forgive me for being slow, but what was the motion? to cast him out?

monster 10-26-2007 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by bluecuracao (Post 400222)
MB fed me chicken, it turns out.

What did it taste like? :lol:

DanaC 10-26-2007 09:46 PM


So Dana, forgive me for being slow, but what was the motion? to cast him out?
*chuckles* I wish :P No. In order to trigger a disciplinary process a formal complaint is lodged in writing to the secretary. He presents the complaint, and the request for discplinary action to be considered (all of which is included in the letter of complaint) to the executive, who vote on whether to recommend it to the general committee. They then instruct the executive to set up an investigating panel, who decide if they think there is a prima facie case to answer and make their recommendation back to the general committee (dizzy yet?). The general committee then votes whether to accept that recommendation and whether to refer the matter to the national body to hear the case. They then decide on whether to take disciplinary action (ranges from suspension to expulsion).

Its long and drawn out, but only the first few stages are within the local party (and therefore deeply partisan). Once it leaves and goes to national, you're effectively in a tribunal situation.

Tonight the vote was whether to accept the recommendation to set up an investigating panel.

monster 10-26-2007 09:47 PM

thanks, gotcha

DanaC 10-26-2007 09:49 PM

It's very complicated but it is designed to protect people from frivolous accusations. The idea is that it is fundamentally democratic. Democracy though can be a blunt tool, and very few people make decisions based solely on merit. I am in a sense using the system to get to this guy. I am doing so for good reason and I believe it is an honest complaint. But, it all comes down to numbers in the end. Right now the numbers are with me, they could just as easily not be and then the complaint woold never leave the local party.

monster 10-26-2007 09:53 PM

yeah, I understood that thanks -your explanation was very clear (and needs no editing ;) )

hurrah so far!

DanaC 10-26-2007 10:09 PM

*grins* much drinking was done after the meeting.

limey 10-27-2007 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 400194)

So glad to hear that, BigV.

DanaC 10-27-2007 01:07 PM

Yeah. I must have missed that. Was so damn hyped.

Good news BigV.

Sundae 10-27-2007 01:41 PM

Brilliant Dana. First and very important step taken. Sorry about the wasted breakfast though!

Like you say, the man is what he is and is bound to keep showing his true colours all the way through. You have done a brave and positive thing, taking a stand against something you know is wrong is risky but a positive thing to do.

Good luck for the future, keep us updated.

Razzmatazz13 10-27-2007 02:44 PM

This post:

Aliantha 10-30-2007 09:26 PM

Our new little kitty cat has discovered a stash of baby toys that we keep under one of the spare beds for when little kids come over.

She's playing with one of those toys that are weighted on the bottom so can't tip over, but when you poke it, it jingles and rocks back and forth.

It's very funny.

BigV 10-31-2007 01:09 PM


working light

Being tall enough to change the bulbs easily without needing a stool or a ladder.

ZenGum 10-31-2007 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 401853)
Our new little kitty cat has discovered a stash of baby toys that we keep under one of the spare beds for when little kids come over.

She's playing with one of those toys that are weighted on the bottom so can't tip over, but when you poke it, it jingles and rocks back and forth.

It's very funny.

Video please!!!!
I love cats - they're just smart enough to be really stupid, and thus entertaining.

fargon 10-31-2007 01:22 PM

I am happy 'cuz Keryx said she LOVES Me.

Michaela 10-31-2007 02:51 PM

I got a new pad! Moving next weekend. Cute little apartment complex complete with workout room. YES!!

Shawnee123 10-31-2007 02:52 PM

Happy Moving! :)

BigV 10-31-2007 04:17 PM

I hate moving.

glad to hear it's making youhappy though. :)

Aliantha 10-31-2007 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 402059)
Video please!!!!
I love cats - they're just smart enough to be really stupid, and thus entertaining.

Cats are so superior. That's what makes it funny when they slam into walls when they're trying to be all agile and stuff. ;)

I'll see what I can do about the video.

Sundae 10-31-2007 07:10 PM


I will ask the Dwellar responsible if I can tell.
I was unhappy yesterday, and am happy today because of it.

DanaC 10-31-2007 07:11 PM

*is now totally intrigued*

Sundae 10-31-2007 07:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Someone responded to my nail crisis by sending me a set of nail art pens.
I used them within five minutes of Postie coming to the door. And that was only because it took five minutes to slice through the packaging.

Thank you to those who sent, I don't mean to suggest this person made me happier than the others. The last items I received did the same and I responded to let the person know via PM. It's just I was having a particularly crappy day and this made me determined to improve myself - right place right time. (And I know there s another to come from another Dwellar - I am such a spoilt princess)

My first attempt at nail art:

DanaC 10-31-2007 07:34 PM

Ohhh that's super!

binky 10-31-2007 07:46 PM

Its Halloween, which is my favorite holiday!!

DucksNuts 11-01-2007 06:09 AM

A lovely PM :)

Aliantha 11-01-2007 07:33 AM

Ooooh...who was it from???? Details please...!

Michaela 11-01-2007 09:42 AM

A couch. (I'm so pathetic) Taking the day off work so I can be there when it gets delivered. Big move Saturday!

Sundae 11-01-2007 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 402237)
...I responded to let the person know via PM.


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 402343)
A lovely PM :)


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 402360)
Ooooh...who was it from???? Details please...!

I think she just revealed herself :)

What is making me happy today is my new Wagamama marinade - Hoisin, Mustard and Garlic. It was on sale when I did my big shop on Monday and I've had two mini chicken fillets marinating since yesterday. If you got 100 people together and they all shouted, "YUM!" at the same time they still wouldn't be as yummy as my dinner.

DanaC 11-01-2007 04:57 PM can buy Wagamama products at supermarkets now? *drools* I love their food.

Sundae 11-01-2007 05:09 PM

They are in Asda, in the World Foods aisle.
I did a little dance in my head too!

ElBandito 11-01-2007 05:23 PM

It's Friday! It's FRIDAY!

I'm happy. They should rename Friday to 'Happy-Crank-Cocaine-Makes-Me-Feel-Not-As-Good-Because-Tomorrow's-Saturday-Day'.

Although I suspect that won't fit into calendars.

glatt 11-01-2007 05:27 PM

Damn you Kiwis and your getting to Friday first!

I'm just waiting for the minutes to tick down so I can get the hell out of here and finish this Thursday that won't end.

Sundae 11-01-2007 05:39 PM

We're going to the Tate tomorrow - another thing to be happy about.
HM has been promising me a tourist trip since he came back from Wales (beginning of September). Now we're finally doing it I intend to make it a weekly occurrence. I can travel anywhere in London by bus with a maximum fee of £1.35 and the museums and big galleries are all free. No excuse not to.

HungLikeJesus 11-01-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 402555)
Damn you Kiwis and your getting to Friday first!

I'm just waiting for the minutes to tick down so I can get the hell out of here and finish this Thursday that won't end.

Yes, but they also get to Monday while you're still at home in your warm fuzzy bunny slippers, sipping cognac and reading Milton by the sparking fire.

Shawnee123 11-01-2007 06:15 PM

You paint a lovely picture, HLJ.

Michaela 11-01-2007 08:11 PM

Got my couch! No bunny slippers though. Tomorrow is the big move in day.

DanaC 11-01-2007 08:30 PM

And when are you posting the pictures of your couch? You can't just wave the idea of a new couch in front of us and not let us see...

monster 11-01-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 402662)
And when are you posting the pictures of your couch? You can't just wave the idea of a new couch in front of us and not let us see...

And we'd like to see it "pre-christening" please.

BigV 11-01-2007 11:08 PM

My lovely wife!


Bullitt 11-01-2007 11:30 PM

Going hiking for the weekend with my pops. Haven't gotten to spend much quality time with him in a looong while due to his job and my being at school for going on 4 years now. Peak fall color right now too, should come back with some nice shots that I will for sure share with you all.

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