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DucksNuts 10-04-2008 06:43 AM

YAY Shawnee!!!!

Ewwww LJ for feeling FNC

DanaC 10-04-2008 07:17 AM

Ohmigod Shawnee, that is fucking fantastic! You star, you!

You must have impressed the fuck out of them (unsurprisingly, you're clearly very committed to the things you do, even when you aren't happy with the job, that commitment will no doubt shine through in interviews). You totally deserve this. I suggest you revel in it to the max and, dare I say it, allow yourself at least one smug-as-fuck smile a day for at least the next week? :P

Griff 10-04-2008 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 489643)

I was made an offer.

Let me put it this way: they offered me way over what they advertised as minimum starting. I was going to ask for a certain amount over that. They blew the number I was going to ask for out of the freaking water!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so happy, I can't believe this is happening. Tears of joy tears of joy tears of joy...


DanaC 10-04-2008 07:19 AM

@ Griff: lol well-said, mate.

Sundae 10-04-2008 08:11 AM

Shawnee you superstar.
You see? The first time you've made a real effort to get away from that place and you nailed it!

You deserve it, too, which always makes it much better.

I'm really happy for you!

xoxoxoBruce 10-04-2008 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 489844)
You must have impressed the fuck out of them (unsurprisingly, you're clearly very committed to the things you do, even when you aren't happy with the job, that commitment will no doubt shine through in interviews).

Or she wore her "fuck me pumps", and he couldn't say no to her hotness. ;)

monster 10-04-2008 10:52 PM

two cars in the garage again. as opposed to one on the drive and crap in the garage.

BigV 10-04-2008 11:25 PM

I found my pocketknife.

It had slipped out of my pocket, onto the floor between the driveline tunnel and the right side of the driver's seat. I *did* look in the same spot on the passenger side, and didn't think to look on the driver's side. D'oh! I'd just leaned over, negotiating the seat belt buckle, and the glint of the back of the blade caught my eye.

I'm so happy!

My mom gave this knife to me as a birthday present about fifteen years ago. It's not pretty, it's not fancy, it is sharp (frequently), and I use it every day. It's a Buck Crosslock. The original model, which I asked for very specifically as a tool I could open use and close with one hand. I love this knife.

monster 10-04-2008 11:31 PM

elastic is your friend. or at least curly keyring chains. trust me. I was a scout. I am a Dr. but most importantly, I never lose my knife. or my kids. sanity, mebbe.

BigV 10-05-2008 12:30 AM

Ok. Elastic connected to what?

My pants? My wrist?

monster 10-05-2008 12:33 AM

whatever you ain't gonna leave at home when you want your knife....

Or a landmark close to where you usually lose it. trail of breadcrumbs style

i attach everything important to my keyring. that way it's big enough to be hsrd to lose, and important enough that I can't venture far without it.

Elastic allowa me to use it without detaching...

BigV 10-05-2008 12:53 AM

Not seein an answer here... I'm not going to attach it to a bungee on my belt. And that's where it fell from last time. Just plain fell out of my pocket. The seats in the VW are low, my knees are higher than my hips and the knife fell out.

I won't attach it to my wrist. That's just not going to work. I dont' see how a tethered knife will work. Keys, sure. Use them in some specific situations and back to the spot. But a knife isn't used that way, not by me anyhow.

The right answer is to put it back when I'm done with it. When I break that rule, I get what I deserve. I just don't like it. And frankly, it's still in daily use after fifteen years, I'm doing pretty good for one knife. I've been through a lot more keys and wallets since then.

I just hate it when I misplace it.

ZenGum 10-05-2008 05:46 AM

Can we have a picture of your knife, BigV?

I am just setting you up for the "that's not a knife ..." line.

Sundae 10-05-2008 06:41 AM

I've crunched some Rennies, glugged some Gaviscon and simply just waited a while. I no longer have heartburn.

I don't like the fact it's obviously waiting in the wings, but I'm so relieved to be rid of it for now!

dar512 10-05-2008 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 489934)
I found my pocketknife.



Originally Posted by BigV (Post 489934)
My mom gave this knife to me as a birthday present about fifteen years ago.

I'm seeing a trend here. Is there something about Moms and pocket knives?

Did she give you a penny to go with it? My Mom claims not to be superstitious, but she gives a penny with knives so as not to "cut your luck".

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